miercoles, el 17 de julio de 2013

Buenos noches and more about the leaning tower of Max, later in the blog update.

Hola hola!!

745pm and madre y Max are tanquing up on some leche and in 20 minutes I will go in and see how things are going.

The lil’man looked pooped after another full día, so here’s hoping he decides today is a good day to fall asleep on his own!!

We had a nice sleep in…hola to 630am and the boys were on the road around 730am.

Usual AM rutina…prowl, desayunos (huge), familia swim, leche and then the siesta. Not much to report, except it was a sunny morning and there are lots of Mexican tourists in town.

After siesta I ht the gym and then went for another injection. They seem to be doing their job as my wrist feels waaaay better and the lil’sac of fluid seems to be getting smaller.

But why do vitamin shots hurt so much?

After the visit with the nurse, I limped (lol) home and then had plenty of time to get the casa ready for la cena y PM rutina. Por que?

Porque the familia was at the playa and were having soooo much fun, they lost track of time.

I guess Max was loving del mar and floating from group of tourists to group of tourists, and even helping some timido niño go into the oceano!! Bex says the niños madre thanked both of them for the help. Hello!!

So it was a quick hola hola and right into leche and cooking the cerdo. We managed to get all caught up and even had time for a FT during tina time.

And you are all caught up.


Having just dropped of the basura, Max can either hop the curb with padre's help, or head to the rampa. Guess what he chose.

And the prowl has begun.

And promptly Max ran back up the rampa and out of my sight. I did not want him to try and take the curb by himself, so I gave him a little "hola Max" and this is the look he had on his face when he raced back around the corner. Busted!!

A block from the condos lives an amigo of Max. He lives on the 2nd floor, primero piso, above a tienda, and is often out having a cup of coffee.

Every time we see him, he always says hola to Max and Max enjoys waving to him. Today we did not notice him until we had run (vamos...rapido) across the calle.

So here is Max playing some sort of peek-a-boo with this hombre.

I am not sure what is up with all the gyrating.

But soon he recalls he has his home made Swoosh on the playera.

And promptly decides to show it off to his amigo.

Oh, every prowl is an adventura!!

The tiendas with the ranas, frogs, is closed. But that does not stop Senor Curio from taking a look.

After a prowl in Oxxo, and a reminder that that was were last time he fell and split his lip, Max decided this was the curb where we would sit and eat his galleta, cookie.

Not always smiling, but there is never a lack of expressions.

This next foto is outside a comedor economico, where we stop almost everyday to say hola, touch the cooler and look into the pail that contains agua for hand washing.

Moments later, the pail and Max were tipped over and padre was saying lo siento y discupla, sorry and apology.

At home, post desayunos, breakfast, and not yet into swim gear. Max is thinking about the spilt pail of agua, before he rips into his baskets of toys.

Tranquilo día on my walk to and from el gimnasio. But one foto of some hard working hombres in some very hot weather. They are lugging up pails of cement to the 2nd and 3rd floors.

Misc…Bex has lots of work right now (knock on wood), with most of it coming from her dictionary.com client. Bex sends off some work and the client keeps sending her more. Score!!

Mañana? Usual día for us…probably our mid-semana Che run though.

I am going to head to Mojon one of these days and see what effect the storm season had on the playa y our palapa. Stay tuned.

Have a great jueves!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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