viernes, el 26 de julio de 2013

Buenos noches!!

Not much new to report…but there are fotos!!

Max did not have a tranquilo sleep…still fighting the sniffles, boogers and some congestion. But for a niño that is not 100%, wow does he still have a lot of energy.

Up early for our long first prowl and then we stuck to the rutina. Good to be able to get back into the alberca as everyone enjoys it, and by 1030am it is already warm enough outside, that we would rather be in the pool then walking around town!!

And after all the excitement…can you say hola hola to an almost 3 hour siesta? Good for Max as he needed it…and I guess I did too? Ja ja ja

Not much afternoon left when you wake up at 215pm, but I made it to el gimnasio and Che, before returning home for the set up.

Max y Bex had a prowl, their comida and then had a stellar time at the playa. Max was thrilled to be back in the olas and happy to make his way up and down the playa, making new amigos along the way.

Good dinner and then off to tina time, where we found no one home for any FT. Must be a nice Friday night in Canada!!

Some pre-bed time wrassling and then I let madre calm Max down…hee hee hee. Two bottles of leche seemed to do the trick.

The Whisperer came in to close the show and after a few verses, I plopped the lil’man into his cuna. He made himself comfortable, grabbed his cuna buddies and then was lights out.

Currently 845pm and Bubba is sharing the chill room with his hijo while Bexico “snacks up” before heading to the oficina.


The AM prowl was an early one.

735am and the sun was rising.

As Max tries to fit in with the locals, and maybe score some tamales, he is being scoped by an amiga.

He casually returns the glance.

And starts his move...towards the tamale? Oh Max.

I loved the orange wall and spent several minutes trying to get Max to stand still for a foto. After 5 minutes, I could only laugh and realized the fotos probably turned out better this way anyway.

This is a super laid back gato that lives near what used to be the only magazine shop in town.

This first foto is of Max being reminded about "suave". His look tells me that perhaps suave was not the first thing on his mind.

If i remember correctly, Max is talking to the gato and then meowing at him.


And then oh oh...he has spotted the tail.

And right after that, I put the camera down and went and rescued el gato.

During the early mornings, you will see lots of camionetas coming into town from their ranchos, and supplying the restaurantes with the fresh piñas, naranjas etc.

From the industrial I know who to call if I need one of those large wall murals painted. The exact translation of Publi Bardas is "published fences".

When Max y madre return from their afternoon, Bex gives me a heads up by saying hola hola. By the time they have made it upstairs, I have made the Party Palace safe for Max and as has become the rutina, I have hidden a bottle of leche for him to find.

Today he found the bottle with some assistance, and after a coy smile, he decided to leave the bottle in the shoe. Oh Max.

Fin de semana already eh? After a week off, the races return on domingo!! We are going out for dinner mañana and have lomo cerdo on tap for our post race cena!!

Have a great weekend.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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