jueves, el 4 de julio de 2013

Hola hola from the chill room.

It was an early morning for the lil’amigo, doph, and it has been an early night…phew.

How did the lil’guy fall asleep? Head on a pillow, leaning on his padre and covered with all of his amigos, Cheeky, Coca, Larry, Pudge and I think Bunny Bear (?). Padre sang a few verses of both songs, and the ojos started to close.

Plopped into the cuna and at 815, we had success!!

And it is even almost cooler outside Max’s room, last check it was already 27,0 grados and the humido was on its way down from a wacky 81%.

What has caused it to be so cool? Early this morning, this is what we woke up to.

Huatulco is in the top square, 2nd from the right, and is at the point that juts out furthest into the oceano Pacifico.

At the time, it was a weather front related to a cyclone, but has now turned into Tropical Depression FIVE-E that is probably going to turn into a tropical storm overnight.

The good news is that it is headed away from us.

But we did wake up to heavy winds and rain, had a short break which was long enough for a 2nd prowl, and then the rains started up again and have just recently stopped.

What is a cyclone? Click HERE if you are interested in reading more about these weather systems.

So how did the lluvia y viento affect our morning? Max and I had an early prowl and essentially went from over hang to over hang and from awning to awning.

We had the paraguas, umbrella, and Max was wearing his slicker and had a hat with a brim, so we were all good.

And it was actually a long walk, one that we both enjoyed. On the way home for desayunos, we pit stopped and said hola to the butchers at Papaloapan and grabbed some filetes de pollo for la cena, choirzo y pollo pasta…yummy.

Another huge desayunos and then we were lucky to have some clear skies for 45 minutes, so off we went for a short 2nd prowl.

Home for leche and the good siesta and when we awoke, padre was off to el gimnasio and madre y Max had a quick prowl before their comida.

Due to the lluvia in the afternoon, playa time was postponed, but they took the bici and headed off to the Play Palace instead. Score.

After the gym it was cook and clean time and the familia came home for a leche tanque up and then off for a quick pre-cena prowl. Max is adamant about his pre-dinner walk. After leche he will grab your flip flops and then say “go for walk”…smart niño!!

Great cena I must say and then off to tina time, FT con mi amigo Melon and then off to bed. And you are all caught up.

Fotos, all from the 2nd prowl due to the bad weather during our early morning prowl.

Lots of wind, lots of branches down and Max to the rescue, cleaning up the CP grounds.

Doph...padre missed some mostaza on the lil'man's face.

Just like his padre, Max loves mustard and will no longer eat his breakfast salchichas, without some.

It was a quick 2nd prowl and we spent 10 minutes of it at the taqueria across the calle. First was the bandanas that hang in the restaurante, then off to the bells and beads, and then finally onto the signage.

Oh Max likes the beads and bells!!

Peeking out to make sure we were not followed.

The coast was clear and we continued on our way.

The taqueria is normally only open at night, but our amigas from a comedor economico, that used to be open only for desayuno y comida, have moved their business into the taqueria.

Win win as the owner gets a tenant during the day, and the amigas now have a lot more space then they used to do, and they needed it as they were always busy and did not have enough space for more tables and chairs.

Mañana? Weather dependant, but nothing out of the norm is planned.

Hey, one day ask me about the 2 dogs I saw today. I cannot blog about it, but I will never forget what I saw.

Happy 4th of July!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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