viernes, el 7 de junio de 2013

A foto from the 7am prowl. Dos bloques de hielo....y Max!!

Buenos noches and at 830pm, Max is asleep with Cheeky Monkey, Bex is hard at work in the oficina, and Bubba is trying (oh so slowly) to eat some apple sauce.

A new day arrived and it arrived waaay later then normal…can you say 615am? Yup, the lil’man blessed us with a fairly smooth night and then let us sleep in!!

Padre was up for the 7am prowl, but my ears and throat did not feel much better. And as I sit here and type, I can tell you that only my nostril is felling much better. I did have a little more energy then ayer, but not a whole lot more.

As for the ears…hola to some ear drops. As for the throat, continuing with the lovely gel and have changed pain meds to one that is better at reducing inflammation.

But the fact that it took 30 minutes to eat a peanut butter sandwich and it is painful to even eat apple sauce, that should tell you how sore my throat is.

Oh you wish you were living in Mexico do you? Not when you feel this crappy you don’t!! Second day of some nice sunny weather, and I am too hot or pooped to enjoy it. I am in danger of losing my color!! Ja ja ja

But enough of my whining…is that blood I just spit up?

A great 7am prowl and the lil’man ate a great breakfast as well. He is making us laugh more then usual, as now a days he is repeating more and more of what we say. It makes breakfast for the boys a fun time!!

A fun 2nd prowl as we headed in a different direction then normal, and we got to see some of the peeps we don’t often see. They all want updates and to hear Max say all of his palabra nueva. So after saying huevos, cinco, hola hola and a bunch of farm animal noises, we continued on our prowl.

Another pooped out Max and after leche, he was lights out. And not long after that, padre was too!!

Once awake, after a good siesta, we had a short familia walk. We were off to pick up some meds and Max’s blueberries.

Great blueberry story….Max loves them and the supply at Fruver was hit and miss. Bex y Max have such a great relationship with the hombres that work there, that they ordered her in 4 containers. Muy amable…friendly.

We grabbed the meds y blueberries (called blueberries en español…so we are told) and headed home.

Me? Meds and a 30 minute peanut butter sandwich, followed by a low key afternoon.

La familia? Comida and then another trip to the playa. Rainy season oceano y olas…too large for the lil’man to ride and do his spins. But he still had fun, and still came home smelling like del mar.

No dinner for me…I spent my time assisting Max, muy raro as normally madre does this during la cena. Fun for the boys and Max broke his record by eating 14 chícharos, peas, at once.

Easy clean up, tina time, FT and bed time…phew.

The Whisperer came in after 30 minutes, sung a few verses and then plopped the lil’man into his cuna.

He tossed and turned for a minute, then sat straight up, pointed to the bed and said “Cheeky”. Max wanted his fairly large peluche, the monkey, in his cuna with him.

Okey dokey and 5 minutes later…lights out!! Two minutes after that, chupy out. One minute after that…padre was out!! And you are all caught up.


Max's new launching off point for his prowls.

Early in the morning, hielo is dropped off at many restaurante y tiendas like fish stores. Max has always liked the cold feeling of the ice and today he is showing 2 senoritas across the calle, his pleasure.

Not sure, but I really hope he is not making yellow ice.

A fresh water puddle.

Round 2 with the hielo.

At a comedor económico up the calle, Max always stops to say hola, touch the Coca Cola bottles, and examine the hand washing agua.

After desayunos and before our 2nd prowl, Max's personality really changes.

Super Max holding up a staircase.

Super Max having suit issues.

Blew a tread on his last landing.

¿Dónde está Super Max?

More then a few minutos in the jardín...watching hormigas walk the ledge.

Someone spots the camion de basura.

And then all of a sudden Super Max drops in his downward dog position.

Watching from across the calle, there were 4 hombres who all seemed to get a laugh out of seeing Super Max in this position...for 5 minutes. Oh Max!!

Misc Max-bits (hee hee hee)…my fresh milk carton has a picture of a cow on it. I cannot take it out of the fridge without allowing Max to give it a besito.

Today, Max was giving besitos to empty boxes of Corona beer.

At Yamaha, they have hung a picture of a model in a bikini. I ask Max “¿dónde esta su madre?” and he will walk over to the foto and then ask me to lift him up so he can kiss her. Never seen so many peeps laugh.

Ahhh..vida es buena!!

Mañana? Well, last night's wish of getting better didn't work...maybe mañana? No plans...will see how the health plays out. But...hola to Nascar domingo!!

Buen fin de semana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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