domingo, el 2 de junio de 2013

Chinos, curls, close up. Click on fotos for a larger image.

Buenos noches. Almost 8pm, a late one for us. We had a tranquilo día and managed to get to the circus...the only non-Mexicans (other then the animales) there.

Good time and Max was well behaved for almost 90 minutes when we decided it was time to go. It was going to be a late cena and 90 minutes of Max sitting still on our laps is probably a new world record!!

We didn't understand all of what the clowns were saying...but it wasn't about us!! lol

Max loved the caballos and was a little in awe of the trapeze peeps. As we left, we saw the zebras and the circus jefe told us to go on into the private area to see them. Muy amable, friendly.

Late dinner, but oh so good cerdo, and you are caught up. 

Onto fotos!!

Sometimes on our AM prowls, it takes us 30 minutes to even leave the CP grounds. Today was no different.

New verbo, detener, to stop. This is a curb that is too high...Max, detente!!

Max is not obsessive, but he does like clean hands if he notices they are dirty. Here he has something on his finger and is thrilled about it.

Our hijo is muy tonto, silly. He also currently likes Ricardo, one of the porteros at the gates of CP. We are across the calle and as we are about to start our prowl, Max has decided to say adios to Ricardo.

First off, the besito.

Then silliness.

And from between some carros, a little peek a boo with Ricardo.

Max's new word, huevo, egg. Here he has seen a familiar senor with a flat of eggs and he went up and said huevo, which impressed the hombre y senora sitting next to him.

And then Max stole an egg from the carton and the senora let out a laugh. Doph.

Moments before this "sit", an hombre came out of this tienda de fruta and gave Max an orange and a chico banana...which is what is in Max's boca. Another friendly persona, one I had never met before.

Max always stops to listen to the musica de Chiapas.

Off we went to the 4pm show, which promptly started at 430pm or so!! Doph.

Click HERE for a little YouTube clip on the Circo Atayde Hermanos (brothers).

Our show and audience was not so big...maybe 100 peeps at our show, but it was definitely a big deal for this small town.

No, this MC is not yellow...hola to a spotlight.

Max and padre taking a look.

At what I m sure Max thinks are striped caballos!!

A long day, but Max still has the energía to climb the 2 flights of stairs to our condo.

Mañana? Back to the grind...ja ja ja. Have a great lunes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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