sábado, el 25 de agosto de 2012

Hey padre...A is for apple, B is for boobie?


A little privacy please.

Breakfast ready yet?


930pm and 77 laps left in the Nascar race in Bristol!!

It was a great day with the lil’hombre!!

Up earlier then normal…and only a shorty nap, but madre made up for that with 2 loooooong siestas with the lil’guy later in the day.

Took a day off from el gimnasio…familia día, and it allows me to rest up some tight shoulders. Ouch.

So family day means we all went out for a walk…and grabbed some frozen yogurt for madre y Max, and some mint helado for Bubba!!

On our earlier walk, Max and I spent some 25 minutes plus at Gabriels, saying hola to the team and letting him stretch his legs by cruising some jewelry displays!!

Carlos has a son with Downs, and has seen Max before at the alberca and at the tienda. He loves to pat Max on the head and always says “bebe” when he sees him.

The niño is probably 13 years old or so, doesn’t speak much, but based on what I saw, communicates well with Carlos. When he saw Max standing on his own, he made sure his padre heard him say that I needed to keep an eye on Max so he didn’t fall.

All was well until Max drooled on him and then tried to grab a clump of hair!! Ja ja ja

So, a tranquilo day again, mix of sun and clouds and perfect cloud cover for a late dip in the alberca for the familia.

Good eats para la cena, muslo pollo, and then a late start to the rutina due to the late nap…Max’s, not mine!! Ja ja ja

But Max was asleep very fast…30 minutes might be a new record for us. Talking about records, what is the record for number of attempted head stands before a níno falls asleep? Max’s number is around 15. Ja ja ja

Funny story behind these fotos.

Max is laying over my lap and is wailing away on the Mac. When he figured out how to open it, it turned on and the screen saver, which is a foto of him, appeared. Big smile when he saw that and then started trying to touch every key. 

His favorite is to lean on a key and just listen to it make noise.

When the computer started sliding to the edge of the bed, I had to move it and Max got hyped up like I was taking away M&Ms from his madre!! The niño loves the Mac!! 

Mañana? Familia domingo!! Real milk on cereal…nice!!

Have a great Sunday.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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