miercoles, el 29 de agosto de 2012

So many requests for another foto of one of the cliff divers of Acapulco...so we had to oblige.

As you can see from this next foto...it is ALL about the speedo!

Buenos noches!!

Hola mis amigos!! A late night here in Huatulco. 830pm and Max has just hit the bedroom for a tanque up and the mandatory 30 minutes of patrolling the bed. Doph.

Why are we late? A 430pm nap started on time, but someone did not want to sleep until 5pm. And once we were asleep…hello to a one hour chest nap!!

So up at 6pm and that just put us behind for the night rutina. No crisis…we will catch up!!

And last night? Another late night due to our dining out, but Max was asleep at 915pm and slept until 330am…and then would not fall asleep again. Huh? He leche’d up and then I took on the 30 minute project of getting him back asleep. Maybe it was due to being in a different bed?

But what was the payback for all that work? How about a 4 hour sleep with the lil’hijo sleeping in the crutch of my arm? Score!!!

But getting up at 8a (holy sleeping in Batman), meant madre missed the “free” portion of her massage…hydrotherapy. But we called down and confirmed she would still be on time for the 9am massage, and that she was.

First though, hello to the desayunos buffet!!

The madre went off for her 80 minutes of massaging, and Max and I finished our breakfast.

Hmmmm...grilled cheese!!

And once that was done, up to the room to check the panale, say hello to our little friend and then off to patrol the lobby of the hotel.

Uniform check.

No grilled cheese in teeth? Check.

Padre...I am ready. Naa naa naa naa naa naa naa naa...Max Van!!

Doph...gotta pee.

If I was Superman...I could fly over this darn ledge!!

Cha ching...$40 pesos!!

This is Lalo #2...he used to work with Lalo #1 at Gabriels. Max is not sure about this brown fella...but hey, it is $10 pesos!!

Ugh...coffee breath?

Nap time came at 10am and madre was due back by 1030am…perfect. That and checkout was 11am, so it was good timing.

The nap lasted 45 minutes and when madre came back to the room, all massaged up, I twisted her rubber arm to take one more jacuzzi before we had to check out and head back to our hard lives at Condos Pacifico. Ja ja ja

A couple more tid bitts (heex3) from ayer? While walking the playa we are approached by some hombres selling items. We said no to both, and one of the guys decided to pick up Max and say hola. A super friendly beach hombre. The otra hombre came over and told Bex and I that he recognized us as the couple who walk around the centro with Max strapped to our chests!! Small town!!

And right after that, Max almost ended up on Gilligan’s Island. Doph. So he had crawled on the sand and had headed towards del mar, but this is NO tranquilo playa, so we were not letting him get too close. Just close enough that a small wave could lap up to him, or maybe just past him. This allows him to experience the olas and not become timido.

Good news? He was not timido, even though he definitely gave us the “what the F?” look.

Bad news? The wave lapped up to him and then past him and kept going…with him in the wave.

We are thinking all the pool training came in helpful here…for him. For us? It was the scene from Rocky…the one where he is chasing the chicken. I finally caught Max and he was a-ok. Let’s just say the padres learned ANOTHER parenting lesson.

Did I tell you about Max and cookie CUTTER? Ja ja ja

Last fotos from the hotel.

Dr Jeykll?

Mr Hyde?

View from the balcony.

Back to today.

We checked out, all was good and for the three of us, all inclusive (free samples of Negra Modelo? Ja ja ja) and the massage…only $4362 pesos. The most outrageous item? The internet charge was $200 for the day. At the condo we pay $400 for the month!! Doph.

Pit stop at Che to get that out of the way. No scores, but some good eats for dinner. At Che we bumped into Hector, m amigo from el gimnasio.

I have not seen him for 6 plus weeks and asked por que. He told me he had been busy on his rancho.

Down the next aisle and we bump into Sally, Hector’s wife. We say hola and she admires Max, and then I ask her why Hector hasn’t been at el gimnasio.

Let’s just say I asked one question and with one answer, Sally answered my question and the question as to what happened to Jhanhet, the gal who used to work at el gimnasio, but just stopped coming to work. Oh Hector.

Headed home and I have some sad news to report. One of our eco-friendly shopping bags had its handles break. We bought these bags at the Dominion store (that brand no longer exists) in Toronto, over 5 years ago!!

Every now and then we see Che selling reusable bags and will score some when they are available next.

Once home, Bex rounded up Max for some pool time, and then a siesta, while I unpacked and alos put away the loot from Che. Next up…el gimnasio.

Frigging hot day, but still managed an hour at the cook shack…aka El Gimnasio. Then it was time to see if my student was ready for me.

Did I mention she has a hermana that looks freakishly similar? No, they are not gemelos, twins…just very much alike.

I realized my student was not there and started helping the other sister with math. (X-5)(X-3) kinda stuff.

And then my student arrived and no, no tareas was done. Hmmmm. But we went over a bunch of words and some she knew right away and some she had no idea about, but is super eager to learn.

I asked her for one word in español that we would translate and then practice. What word did she pick? Carretilla…wheelbarrow. Huh? Well we did the exercise and then I told her for next time, let’s pick some words she really wants to learn.

45 minutes later and I was on my way. She would have liked me to spend 45 minutes practicing mañana, but I have been clear that this will happen only a few times a week.

Headed home and that is when the 430pm siesta story started…so you are all caught up.

Bex is LOADED with work and had some short deadlines…go go go. Feast or famine with projects for her, so we like the work and it just means we need to work our schedules. Best part about the work is that she actually likes the projects she is working on. Tough to have a project that you can accomplish, but just don’t enjoy spending your time on it.

Some around town fotos.

Fresh piña y uva for sale.

To get into the engine department, sometimes you just have to roll up the sleeves and kick off the flip flops.

If you see one of these camions... 

You are bound to see these peeps.

And it was hot out today!!

I finally figured out what they do in this tienda.

They sell a few shoes, but their main business is to clean shoes. $100 pesos to get your tenis cleaned.

Mañana? No sé…stay tuned.

Hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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