lunes, el 20 de agosto de 2012

Sorry mi hijo. You have your padre's orejas...ears.

Buenos noches!! How was your lunes?

Our Monday was great. Hello!!

Max and I were up early and managed to push his first nap later then the normal 2 hour limit, and managed to get to Inmigracion.

There, we were first in line, even though we got there at 930am or so. And who comes over and says “Hola Max”? The officer who took care of Max’s FM3 a few months ago remembers him. Hello!!

So our officer put up with all the senoritas googling over Max, and reviewed our paperwork. He wants our bank statements fotocopied for each application…duh…and on the online form, he wanted me to change the reason we were applying for the 2nd extension.

He gave us the invoice to pay at the banco, and the other items had to be completed at home, so off we went.

Max and I managed to pay the bill at a bank and the familia will all return to INM mañana and we should be all good. Stay tuned.

915pm UPDATE

Well it took 1 minute of rocking tonight, but Max is asleep. We had 2 days in a row were he fell asleep (passed out?) on his own…we are slowly making progress.

Back to the day.

Usual mischief today…but still no alberca time. We are waiting for some more sol…stay tuned.

Bex used her kind heart today and donated some of Max’s hardly used clothing to a senorita who works at one of the tienda de frutas. This senorita is expecting her first niño, so the items will be perfect. I am sure she will be thrilled with the items she was given, all things you would not find here in Huatulco…including the muy importante nipple cream. Ja ja ja

Hey…all the books you read about raising your niño…not one has mentioned the poo in the tina. What up with that? Oh Max.

I sent an email to the Canadian consulate in Oaxaca, asking about pasaportes. They replied promptly and if you are interested in how to get a new pasaporte while living in Mexico, click HERE.

Long and short, you can only get passports in DF. You have to pay cash, you can send them your application (how do I pay cash then?) and you have to pay for the courier service. Sounds easy. Mas o menos...more or less. Might be easier to take a quick flight to DF...round trip can be had for $1700 pesos sometimes. Stay tuned. 

While out on our afternoon stroll, Max and I popped into SCA for some Coca-Light…needed for burger lunes…and they are still out of Mil Islas. But who did we see there? Yes, the McCormick hombre and we chatted it up. He was filling out his order form and told us that proxima semaña we will be back in business. Stay tuned.

I think that wraps up our día and any earth shattering news.


Like the new muscle shirt?

Like the old VW Vocho...Bug?

Two Fonatur hombres sharpening their machetes...using the curb.


Mañana…the rutina and INM.

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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