jueves, el 9 de agosto de 2012

Buenos noches!!

We have had such a dry and sunny summer compared to last year but today we awoke to completely overcast skies and some light showers.

It stayed overcast, but dry,  all day and around 430pm the skies opened up and we have had rain since. Why the change in the weather?

Looks like we are getting the residual effects of Ernesto, but true to being located near the isthmus, the hurricane will skip by us.

Do we mind the rain? Nope!! It was needed and the fresh air that comes with the rain is much appreciated. At 730pm, Max is already for his 45 minute “bed parade” and the temperature sin a/c is 28,0 grados.

Normally it takes the a/c 2 hours to get to that temperature as not only does the a/c need to cool the aire in the room, the walls are hit by el sol almost all day long, so the a/c is cooling them down too.

Muy caro…expensive, and we are expecting the next CFE bill mañana or early next week. Nice to have the solar at Mojon!! Muy caro to purchase the system, but gratis once it is installed. The only worry will be if peeps leave the a/c on all night and drain the batteries.

We are working on a countdown timer for that issue. Similar to one of those used in washrooms for the fan, the guests will hit the button which will turn on the power to the a/c for an hour.

It won’t be an issue at Mojon as it has nice breezes and an hour should be plenty to cool a room down antes bedtime…and if not, hit the button again when the first hour runs out.

A good day again. Max is hilarious with his babbling and Houdini attempts. Look at this blurry foto.

He must have climbed into a laundry basket which is filled with books, and then onto the couch and onto the blue bin. He was already into the power cable for the Mac and was in reach of the Mac and my Canon too. Doph.

I had been busy and keeping more of an ear on him then an ojo, and all of a sudden it was very quiet. That is when I know he is up to something and ta-da, so he was.

A pretty good night of sleep for him and if we can solve this up at 5am and 6am thing, we are laughing.

A big breakfast (no, not the one with the eggs, muffin, sausage patty and hashbrown…mind you I could go for one of those!!) and then a longer walk to Fonatur to pay a water bill for mis amigos in G10.

Great walk and he was getting sleepy (perfect), so I turned him around in the sling so he faced inwards, and he rested his head on my chest until we got home.

And then? All about the leche…hello!!

A good siesta and madre took over after that. What did those two get up to?

Hello to some CP crawling. He should be walking soon and that is when we will all be getting our exercise!!

The rest of my day? El gimnasio, hola to the boys at Gabriels, some puttering around the condo, a second stroll around town con Max and then we shared nap #3 for almost an hour. Doph.

Too late (and cold and wet) for alberca time, so madre hung out with the little guy and next thing you know…tiempo para la cena.

Sad news…no more cheddar cheese in our condo…or at Che. Hey, it was a good run and who knows, maybe they will get more in 2013!!


Pouring rain…but the Shaw dish is a-ok…hello Global News!!

Anything else? Hmmm? Madre has a lot of work on the go, a client that needs greeting cards, another that has some animation and one more client as well.

Mañana? 11am we have the plomero coming over as the hot water is not working in the cocina. It is a finicky machine and turns on when there is a drop in water pressure, but it does not turn on when we turn on the kitchen tap. It works for the baño and washing machine, probably some silt blocking a line somewhere.

Other then that….no sé. No Mojon updates, but will be talking with Roman mañana as well.

Misc fotos.

Betty Bici.

Early morning home made gelatines for sale.

Ahhh Victor. Dónde está Amy? Comer!!! Eating!!


Max needed some loving, which he got from both of us and is asleep again. The rain is heavy...we have lost the TV signal...doph.

Have a great viernes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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