jueves, el 2 de agosto de 2012

Buenos noches!!

725pm and madre is giving the lil’poo’er a bath…in his second tina full of water. Mañana we are just going to wait until his business is complete antes we put him on the tina!! Doph.

A great day and both madre and I continue to get better. Today I felt the best I have in 2 weeks (prior to gripe and then this bug), and madre is doing more yoga to help her back, and it seems to be helping.

Best part of the day? Well, it is a tie with the 515-7am CN con Max, but I loved seeing the smiles and laughs on mis padres faces as they watched Max go loco in his JJ, and listened to him babble along. Hilarious.

Big desayunos and huge cena for the lil’eater. Breakfast is some Nestle cereal with 4 cubes of fruit and then he also gets some finger fruit to feed himself.

And today, what did we mix with the cereal and cubitos to make it easier to swallow? Gerbers chayote.


Click HERE to read about chayote and click HERE to see Gerber’s chayote website.
So, the rest of the day? A short walk, but we spent some good time at Gabriel’s as everyone was there today. Max said hola to 10 plus peeps and we chatted for a while. Then it was home and I dropped him off with madre who was waiting for him in the alberca.

A nice life…a siesta con padre, a walk and then pool time!!

Siestas? Two with padre and one with madre. The lil’snoozer was tired today…maybe it was all the JJi’ng? He had almost 3 hours of nappage…almost unheard of with Max.

Me? I had a great session at el gimnasio, and that recharged me mentally. Tough to be low energy and have crappy gym sessions.

I also spent 30 minutes in the sun…time to get a darker tan then Max. Ja ja ja

After Max’s last siesta, a late one at that, we decided to forgo the alberca and we had relax time while la cena was cooked. Did I mention the cerdo lomo? Wow is it good. They had two long roasts in the butcher shop at Che, so I had them lob off 6 thick slices and that was our dinner.

I am headed back mañana for our weekend grocery run, and if they still have the lomo, make room in the freezer Bex because we are getting more!!

Later dinner, later tina, later sleep session, but great news is that by 830pm, Max had willed himself to sleep…another rare occurrence in the Van-Arnold household. There is hope!!


Almost time to go back to Inmigracion and apply for the next set of FM3s. Good news is that this go around, it should be VERY easy.

The first time, you have a bunch of paperwork and it is all new to you. The second time you go, there is some repeat paperwork and then some new as well.

The third time you go, it should be as easy as changing the word “primero” to “segundo” on one document and then getting the other items collected and ta-da. Other items? Photos, some bank statements and some online forms filled out. Stay tuned.

July weather stats? We had highs of 35,4 and lows of 27,2 vs last years numbers of 32,7 and 25,9. Yup, it was much warmer this year and most of that is due to the fact we have had less lluvia then last year.

Agosto last year we had average highs of 33,5 and lows of 26,3. If we trend like that, it will be a cooler month and no one will complain about that!!


Two strikes at being an abarrote, hopefully this tienda (across from CP) has better success as a ropa store.

Madre has met the owner, a nice senora who has an 8 month old niña, so the two madres have been chatting it up.

One heck of a cantina!!

The Beers of the Coyote.

The carpintero y familia are packing up and heading to the next town. I was thrilled to see the senorita actually sweeping up after themselves.

On a hill over looking el gimnasio.

I took the foto because of the white patio style chairs which are synonymous with Mexican get togethers.

Max y padre in a few years?

Like madre...

like hija.

Mañana? Up at 5am, asleep at 510am, up at 7am, nap at 930am…

Have a great viernes and enjoy your long weekend of you have one.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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