viernes, el 10 de agosto de 2012

Just chilling while waiting for mi desayunos.

Hola mis amigos. 730pm and I am watching a gecko crawl along the wall in the sala….living room.

It is a red alert here in Huatulco…Max tiene gripe and it is NO fun. I am told it is his second cold, I must have forgotten his first. Who forgets their first time? Ja ja ja

Anyway…after his primero siesta, Max was coughing and sneezing and the lil’patient even had a runny nose.

As the day wore on, the cold wore on him and we have had to ensure he was warm, but not too warm, and full of fluids. But you know how much he likes to patrol the casa, and burn off all the energy? We had to slow him down so he did not make the gripe worse. No JJ and no alberca time today.

Talk about cold…it was a chilly 25,0 grados this morning. The rain was still pouring and it was nice and cool. It was so wet, Max and I did not go for a walk, we went for a “stand”.

We stood outside the CP gates under our paraguas, and watched the rain pour down. We also counted all the taxistas that drove by and honked their horn, seeing if we wanted a ride. I think we lost count after 30.

745pm UPDATE

Max is asleep…snugging with madre. I was supposed to take over, but madre called an audible and has decided another 20 minutes of snugging with the lil’patient, is in his best interest. Sure…his best interest. Ja ja ja

So it rained until late morning and madre postponed the verdura run as the paraguas was leaking on her walk to Jesic Toys. Huh? Jesic Toys again?

Max is now the owner of a fine plastic guitar and some plastic lil’peeps plates that he can drop on the floor without giving his padre a heart attack.

Close to Jesic Toys is a day care called Planeta Kids and it comes highly recommended. We have no desire to drop Max off and leave him, but we do want to have him mingle with other niños.

Bexico has read that kids don’t “play” with other niños until they are 2, but it would still be good for Max to be around more lil’peeps.

We have the prices…muy barato for a month…$2500 pesos for Mon to Fri 8am to 2pm and then 3pm until 8pm and Saturday’s 8am until 2pm.

Yikes…when would you see your niño? Never and it only costs you $200 CDN/month.

Nope…we are looking for an hour or two here or there…and we will stay with him. I am sure some of you reading this think that might be nuts…and I am sure the niño sitters will too.

But think about it…he doesn’t speak ingles, let alone español, so we will be there only if we need to translate between all the niños!!

An hour costs $80 pesos, but you can go 8am to 2pm on sábado, for $100 pesos. Stay tuned.

So madre comes home, and padre hits the gym. A good workout and on the way there, I stopped at the CFE payment machine and paid our most recent electric bill.

Good news? In the last 2 months, we used less electricity then the 2 before. This bill was $2821 pesos ($220 CDN at 12.85 pesos/CDN) and the last bill was $3274 pesos.

A few more cool nights and we will see the bill continue to drop to it’s lowest, which is diciembre y enero.

Crazy CFE payment story?

So, the bill is $2800 pesos and I had 6 $500 notes to insert into the machine. I could not get the last note to work, so I ran to the camioneta to grab another one and it worked.

So I am expecting $179 pesos back in cambio, but I get only $29 and my receipt. I am short $150 pesos and not sure how I am going to get that $$. After the ATM issue in Oaxaca, I am thinking this could be a long process.

But I am so wrong. As I look at my receipt, I hear a senorita ask to see it. Huh? Is this a person watching me via CCTV? Nope. A panel on the payment machine opens up and I see some fingers reach out.

I pass the receipt through this slot, she passes me $150 pesos, I make a comment about her being stuck in machine all day, and ta da.

Now that is a crazy story.


$250 pesos later, we have hot water in the cocina again. Quick fix is the good news…the filters were plugged by sediment and that prevented proper water flow which is what triggers the hot water tank to turn on.

930pm UPDATE

Madre is out to Los Gallos on a sopa run. She is run down and worried that she too is getting gripe. Doph.  Max has had a hard time sleeping as every time he has a hard time breathing, he wakes up.

He cannot use the soother as he cannot breathe through his nose very well, but the positive is that he is so tired, I can rock him to sleep sin soother.

The plan is for me to sleep with him in the spare room, allowing madre to get a good night’s sleep, with 2 interruptions for tanque ups. I suspect I will be sleeping in a sitting position, my back against the wall, with the lil’patient in my arms.

Stay tuned.


What catches Max's attention? Lots of lluvia and of course the trees blowing in the wind.

Note the change in ropa...too much baba on the other set. 

If only he loved his floatie as much when we put it int the alberca!!

I figured he wasn't feeling well and maybe the Caped Crusader would help him fight his gripe!!

Why the pause in all the excitement?

Ah yes, the 5 day forecast on the Global Early News.

Mañana? Hoping everyone is feeling better!! Buen fin de semana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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