sábado, el 21 de abril de 2012

Hola mis amigos!!

So after 20 plus mosquito bites on my lower legs….ugh. Happened while in Oaxaca and as per the usual, they made me feel like I had the flu.

Tired most of the day and then last night after dinner, I could not keep the ojos open long enough to complete the blog. Thus, the update at 730am.

Just as well that I needed to go to sleep early, as lil’Max had trouble falling asleep. So, off to the padre hand book and it prescribed a chest nap and that is what we did until around 1130pm.

Which is when he promptly rolled off of me and was laying in the bed sideways. The niño is pretty long, but left us a gracious 10 inches on both sides so his padres could still get into bed!! Ja ja ja

Misc notes I have been storing up….

Adios Dick Clark, spinning the platters in the next life.

Great deals on credit cards down here. Think the 20% interest in Canada is high? How about the gran promoción of a 57.9% credit card?

The $3716 pesos I spent at Walmart in Oaxaca was equal to $289 Cdn. Two weeks ago that would have cost us $297.

Bumped into the Condos Pacifico presidente while at the Walmart…mundo pequeño.

And I still don’t fully understand the story, but Ron and Jackie, who used to live in CP and now live in Arroctio, saw mis padres in Oaxaca and said hola. They have never met each other before, but said hola to them and the story started from there.

Called TD and they said thanks for all the information I had gathered regarding the ATM issue. They will do the investigation but due to the ATM being in Mexico…hello to 55 days. Stay tuned.

Called Rogers to cancel the account and the guy offers me 4 months free if I stay a customer. And then tells me they have this new call home program…call to Canada free. What a group those Rogers peeps!!

So my cell will no longer work after 30 days, and then they will wait for the next billing cycle to see if I owe them any $$, and THEN they will mail a cheque to Port Moody to refund me the $35 they have over charged. I will be 50 buy the time I am done with those yahoos.

And then? I get an email advertisement from them and want to unsubscribe to these things. I click on the button to unsubscribe and it needs your account number to do so. They don’t even make this easy.

Received our CFE (electric bill), our first one with some a/c usage on it. Looks like $132 Cdn for the 2 months and it will only go higher for the next 4 or 5. Doph. No issue though as we only use a/c when the lil’furnace is going to sleep.

Ok, those are the misc notes…onto the sábado notes.

Nice and short…another walk with Max y mis padres is how we started the día. I have taken the early shift the past few days so Bex could catch up on the late night work (and M&Ms?) and catch up on the zzzz too.

Some chill’laxing at the pool and then trading off with madre.

I hit the gym and it was nice to see Hector after 2 weeks away. Where was Hector? In charge of his rancho where for the first week he hired 9 hombres to help clear 12,000 kilos of sandia (watermelon) and then on the second week they cleared the mais, corn.

Newly found fact about Hector? He has a perro whose name is Ganja. A little insight into his “previous” life…and maybe what else he grows on the rancho? Ja ja ja

Had a nice catch up with Daniel y the boys. Updated them on the visit from mis padres as well as what we did and saw in Oaxaca, which is where his esposa is from.

I confirmed a word with Daniel…”chocala”. The background on the palabra? When you say hola or adios to an amigo, you slap hands and give knuckles and for the first time, I heard someone ask max to give them “chocala”.

So I chatted it up with Daniel to find out what the word really was (sounds like chocolate) and when I Google translated it…it came back as “high five”. Who knew?

Grabbed some rib eyes for la cena de domingo and headed home for pool time!!

And after that, a little maintenance for Max and then we all headed out to Il Regoletto for some eats. Great dinner and enjoyed the jarra (pitcher) de limonada too.

Two nights in a row we have pushed the lil’hombres rutina time, and last night he wanted to call it a night before we were done, so Bexico headed home while we finished la cena.

We were home by the time he was in the tina and continued the rutina from there.

And you are all caught up on the comings and goings of our sábado.


Early morning at the alberca...almost no one left in the condos except for us full timers.


It is melon and sandia season here.

A foto of one of the big trucks that bring verdura from Oaxaca. If it doesn't fit in the truck...

A 3 month renovation. The primero piso is almost complete!!

Saving up for the 3 wheeled comedor...gotta start with something.

OK...first there was a comedor in this space. It lasted 1 month or so. Then there was a hamburger restaurante that lasted 1 week. And now it is for rent again. Doph.

Mexican Chevy commercials?

They tore down most of this casa to add a primero piso.

Ah, that's how to construct a concrete archway!!

Blenders and pillows...choices, it is all about choices. Ja ja ja

What was once the El Tripulante (Member of the Crew)...

Is now El 7 Mares...The 7 Seas.


A ton of plastic pails for niños to play with at the playa.

Max wanted me to wear something to match his outfit.

Nuestro sábado paseo por la mañana...our Saturday morning walk.

Opa y Max.

Oma y Max.

Have a great day.

Marco, Bex y Max

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