lunes, el 2 de abril de 2012

Buenos noches!!

We had a great day…laughing Max kept us on our toes.

A good walk around town, some time at the pool where he was admired by all, throw in some naps and leche, JJ time, tummy time, FT con mis padres, more pool time, a walk to grab some Coca Light (doph), his rutina…and that kinda wraps up his día.

Max is now raising his butt when he is on his tummy and Bexico tells me this is a prelude to crawling!! Huatulco…watch out!!

Now Max did sleep in until 745am…which was really 645am. And we really don’t know how long he was awake prior to Bex opening her ojos!! When she awoke, he was patiently looking at her and out the window!!

I read online that there was another terremoto…earthquake. We felt nothing this time…all safe and sound here!

The town is crazy full of chilangos, but so far the condo complex has remained fairly quiet. And in one weeks time that may all change when mis padres come to visit!!

So let’s get to the reason you are all here anyway…fotos!!

Max waking up from nap #1.

From our walk around town.

Cement bags from all the work being completed next door.

We were parked next to the site...too much dirt flying in the air. Hoping it is all completed in a few weeks.

This senorita was counting the tortillas she had bought for the tlayudas she sells. She has rejected one.

And then she got the hombre to carry them to her restaurante.

Some had some cocos dropped off and are now currently being shaded from el sol.

Not sure what these niños were excited about.

Everyday Max and I go for a walk, we pit stop to say hola to all the senoras (y un muxe) selling their fruits y verdura. There are a few comedor economico there and this padre has grabbed some desayunos and is having a car hood picnic con hija.

Click HERE to read more about muxe.

King Max surveying the alberca before dipping his pies in.

From my gym walk.

Someone works at IMMS...and has to do their own laundry!!

Looking down the boulevard.

One big happy BonIce familia!!

It must be Semana Santa. I have not seen these tiendas open in weeks!!

Not sure what they are carrying and selling. But they look heavy and it was 33,0 grados!!

Tough market for sofa sales.

Again on the Semana Santa theme, this senorita has bought a bunch of hats and toallas and is trying to sell them to the tourists from DF before they hit the playa.

And she brought her well dressed hijo to carry the beach toys!!

Martes? Bexico has a Skype with a possible new client, I need to hit Fonatur with our recycling, and I think Che is in the works too.

Last foto.

That was the lil’hombre in his Bumbo chair while getting a feeding of oatmeal con leche de pecha!! Uh bowl is empty!!

Have a great Tuesday…time for me to eat one more of Bexico’s homemade Rice Crispy Squares!!

Marco, Bex y Max

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