sábado, el 14 de abril de 2012

Hola amigos!!

I am STILL taking the Canucks to beat the Kings in 6 games!! But being down 2 games to 0…doph.

Let’s see…last night we had a low of 27,3 grados and at 8am it had crept up to 27,5 grados and 65% humido…that equates to 36,0 grados. Not bad for 8am!!

And what are type of weather are we looking at for next week while in Oaxaca? Click HERE to see.
Highs of 31,0 and lows of 11,0? Brrrr…frio!! Ja ja ja

Back to today…and why am I up at 8am? I took the early shift and after changing the lil’hombre’s life preserver, I grabbed the abuelos and we had a walk. Nice to get out earlier as it was cooler and we had a nice pit stop in the zocalo.

Max is getting easier to read and I recognized when it was time to leave the parque as he was hot and getting tired.

By the time we hit the complex, Max was in and out of sleep and so we headed to the sombra of the alberca. Unslinged the “furnace” and after some rocking, a quick discussion on how maple syrup is made, he was asleep.

And 35 minutes later…eyes open with the look of “huh? How did I end up here?” but seconds later he was all smiles. Soaked some pies and then had some chez lounge…muy tranquilo.

Then came the next signal…breakfast time!! So up we went, woke up madre and passed off the lil’amigo. Bex and Max hung out for the rest of the day…busy time for both of them.

It included Max eating his first plátano!! I was not there (darn...missed it due to a stupid siesta), but Bex said the expression on his face was priceless. As well, there was a Skype with his otra abuela, RJ.

And at the end of the day…off to the alberca with another new shirt that matches some older shorts to a T!! Great swim and a stress free dunk.

Padre y Max had some chez lounge time while madre made the ensaladas and then the rutina occurred and he was lights out!! He is getting really good sleeps and the “tanque top off” when Bex comes to bed has allowed us to sleep until 4am when he gets hungry. Heck, today he did not even open his ojos until 730am!!

As for the rest of my day, I hit el gimnasio, said hola to some peeps, and on the way home I looked for some crème de cassis for mi madre. The tienda was out, should have some martes, but picked up some Crown instead!! Ja ja ja


A familia has aired their laundry.

Elvis (or is that Lalo?) has left the building.

Earlier in the day we saw a hombre lugging a bed frame through the centro. Here is where they were making them.

My one eyed coco-frio amigo. An otra hombre was selling the baskets and pottery.

Don't worry...it is just the gas meter.

Padre y hijo...bringing home some flowers para madre!!

Outside a skateboard shop.

Did I mention that I expect the shop to last a month or so? Bad location...and they DID not take the business planning clase!!

A niña came out to say hola to me.

One of the last vehicles about to head back to DF. The two weeks of Semana Santa are now over...tranquilo time!!

The condos will now be quiet, hot and wet, until the Canadians start returning in octubre y noviembre.

Our domingo? Mojon!! Not sure what time but we will play it by Max and see what his schedule dictates. We will leave earlier then normal as we do want to be back for a dip and some chez lounge time prior to the rutina y hamburguesa domingo!!

Hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bex y Max

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