domingo, el 22 de abril de 2012

Welcome to tranquilo domingo!!

I had the early shift and as it was so early, Max and I went for our walk solo. We had a great walk, saw tons of peeps headed to church, and spent some padre y hijo time in the zocalo.

Max was very reflective today and asked me what he can do to assist in teaching the Mexicans it is not the right thing to do when they pull their cars y camionetas over on the side of the road, and throw out their basura.

We chatted it up and have a plan of action…stay tuned.

We headed home and had some chez lounge time at the alberca, before heading up and passing over the lil’hombre to his madre.

I took a cat nap and then it was Nascar time!! What a domingo!!

Max y madre spent lots of time together and he then spent some time over at his abuelos condo. A full day for Max.

Some pool time for him and then some tranquilo time before the “new” rutina time. Huh…new time?

With us going out for la cena the past few nights, and having to extend his rutina time, we had good success with Max falling asleep right after he ate. So today we pushed things an hour and even though 6-7pm was a little antsy, he was a trooper as per the usual, and we will continue this way.

The biggest ah-ha is that we can all eat something together pre-rutina, and then he gets his leche right before he hits the sack.

Only 1.5 days for with mis padres visiting the lil’hombre, so we will ensure he gets as much time with them as possible. Mañana will be some playa time as Oma loves del mar and then some more chill’laxing time for Max with his abuelos.

Courtesy of mi padre, here are today’s fotos.

Padre y Max returning from our morning walk.

Chez lounge at the pool.

And chez lounge with his abuela.

Max y madre.

Max with Bubba. Max is staring at his Oma make faces.

Kissy kissy from SM!!

Which Max seemed to enjoy!!

And he also enjoys splashing and making faces at the same time.

And in his new Buzz Lightyear boxing cape...Max!!

Mañana is lunes…have a great Monday. Hopefully better then our home team Canucks who will be cleaning out their lockers. A good season has come to an end in the first round. Doph.

Marco, Bex y Max

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