domingo, el 29 de abril de 2012

Buenos noches all.

How about this? 745pm and the lil’sleeper was lights out…on the boob!! We must have tired him out with the time at Mojon as he was super well behaved during the lead up to the rutina, then became a little antsy after the tina and then he could not keep his ojos open.

Stay tuned…normally 30 minutes into lights out, one of us has to go in and have a chat with him. He likes to practice his español during these moments, and we oblige him with verbos y numeros.

As for the día…Bex took the early one and hasn’t gone back to sleep yet. 645pm and I think she is baking cookies in her sleep.

I was up 9’ish and then we progressed with our day and headed out to Mojon before 11am.

A GREAT day there as the weather was great, Max was great and I even went out on the boogie board for maybe the first time in a year.

Great olas and the surfers were taking advantage of it. Bex was too pooped today, but will be back at it the next time we are out.

Great gadzooks? Someone took the time to clean up all the basura from where the carretera meets the road to Mojon!! It looked great…muchos gracias mi amigo.

Again, once we are there full time, we will put together a program of both education and labour, to help keep the playa and road clean!!

We had some good beach time and Bex has been working on getting Max comfortable with the olas. Not quite like the alberca, but I am sure with some time at Santa Cruz, where the oceano is calm, he will get the hang of it.

That reminds me…ayer, for the first time ever, Max had a dunk and did not need to have us blow in his face to get him to shut his ojos y boca!!

We had been seeing him close his eyes and mouth on the count of 2 and then we were blowing, but this time we just went one, two, three and dunked him and he knew when and what to do!! Smart niño!!

Back to the playa…there was a nap in there…fotos to follow and we also managed to grab some hot tub time for him. He loves the pool and only wants to be on his belly.

With the tub in the shape of a starfish, he was turning himself around and around. Hilarious.

We like the earlier time at Mojon as it is not too hot…and it leaves us plenty of time for some papas a la frances at Senor Pucks!! Throw in 2 DC, an agua mineral and a tea, and the propina…all for $100 pesos or $7.80 Cdn!!

Hola to Karen at Pucks, grabbed a CD that may work on the Mac…clase de español and also grabbed an invite to a possible turkey dinner once Karen finds one!! Score!!!

After the fries we headed home to unpack and start the rutina…which now includes carrots for the lil’conejito!!

815pm UPDATE….Max is no longer visible in the monitor. Doph…he has gone out for burgers? Bex has gone in for some recon.

Great burgers tonight…not a very Mexican meal, but they were on Bimbo buns though!!


How to keep a Mexican happy? Call him or her Max’s tío o tía, give them a foto of Max splashing in his Mojon hot tub…and see the huge Mexican smile!!

We did this with Silverio as we were headed out the gate, and tonight at 730pm when I took out the basura, he was still talking about the foto and had brought it out to show Marcelino. Then he commented that the foto was good enough to be on a package of pañales!!

Which of course leads to the on going questions Mexicans have…how much did the camera cost? Only peeps close to you would ask, and even then it is not so much about “you are rico” vs curiosity about the cost of things that they will probably never own.

Ok, fotos…

Fresh from a nap in the camioneta...someone is ready to start the playa activities!!

And one day soon, this will be Max!! Did I mention...right off his front porch?

But for now, madre is getting him used to the olas.

Here they come Max!!

Ta da...del mar has arrived.

And based on the look on his that all you got?

Over 4 feet long!!

And the aforementioned nap.

Look at that ginger hair (cabello rojo)...just like his padre had at this age.

Mañana…some phone calls to make some citas and time to buckle down and get the paperwork ready for Max’s FM3.

Have a great lunes.

Marco, Bex y Max

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