jueves, el 17 de febrero de 2011

Howdy all!!

Please feel free to look at the blog from ayer (yesterday), as I have back filled any missing stories.


And here is today's post.

Hola Hola!!

Typical jueves for us. Up early for tareas and then off to clase.

Clase was all about adjetivos again, but that was a-ok for me as I can use all the practice to remember all the new palabres.

To help us learn and memorize the adjectivos, we played a fun game in clase. Maestra taped names of famoso people to our backs and we had to ask questions to try and guess who we were. If the group answered sí, you could ask otra (another) question. No and it was the next estudiantes turn.

We used the verbos ser y estar (to be and to be) to ask questions about our state of being and presence. Color de pelo, hombre o mujer, vivo or muerto etc.

I asked 3 questions and the answer to each was no…but t least I knew I was alive, a woman and short!! The clase put the rest of the characteristics (adjectivos) on the board and after waaaay to many hints, I figured out I was Oprah.

Bexico did much better in figuring out she was Barack Obama.

Despues clase, we stopped off at the banco to make a deposit, mi primero tiempo at accomplishing this task.

I was ready…”deposito de mi cuenta por favor” and that worked. But then things took a Mexican turn of events. The teller asked me a question that I did not understand. She wrote some numbers on a piece of paper. What it came to was the fact that there is a monthly limit to how much I can deposit. Huh? Bizzaro.

No limit in depositing dolares, but I have a limit for depositing pesos. I confirmed it was a once a month (uno deposito por mes), laughed, and then deposited my limit. Proximo semanas, I will go in and get this changed.

Popped into Pemex for gasoline as we are headed to either Salchi Bay or San Augustine to snorkel.

We had a bajo (short) attendant and it made for some humor between the two of us when I asked him to lavar el parabrisas por favor…please clean my windshield.

He also seemed to truly get a chuckle out of Moonie, the ice breaker of all ice breakers!! $620 pesos for a full tank…about .86 cents for a litro.
Dropped him a $10 peso propina and left him with a smile.

Came home and turned right around for el gimnasio.

Here are the fotos from the walk.

Just a hombre headed somewhere with his wheelbarrow.

I saw these ninas run to catch their collectivo.

Seatbelts are optional.


Looked like a couple of hermanos are getting ready to sell sandia, some flowers and maybe some naranjas.

Just a regular tree.

Or did you see the barefooted arborist working away with his machete?

Note his yellow hard hat in the top right corner of the foto. Safety first!!

I saw this truck that was carrying a message along the top, above the truck cab.

“I owe it all goodbye” is the translation…I thing I am missing something. The Jefe of Jefes” is simply the Boss of Bosses.


Well it is another factory on wheels.

Check out the planer!!

And what are they manufacturing and selling?

Stools, chairs and bed frames with headboards.

And this hombre has the tough job of walking around La Crucecita trying to sell the bed frame sin headboard.

All kidding aside. Every day I am impressed with how hard working the people here are. Sure this is not everybody, but I see more than not.

As for español...it is not so tough. What do you think this business is about?

Silenciador? If you guessed mofles (mufflers), you would be correct.

Had a good session at the gimnasio. And then trucked home for alberca time.

Despues de la alberca, we chilled and then ate la cena. Burrito for Bubba y something called el saco de papa para Bexcio. (jacket potato)

I am ready to post the blog and Bexico is hard at work on her film (for the rock video). We are 8 minutes over due for our walk. Time to check in.

Hasta mañana.


830pm and we are off for our walk.

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