Martes October 5, 2010

Buenos Tardes!!

If your fridge cannot hold a whole watermelon…don’t buy a whole watermelon!! Sad to see some of the watermelon did not make it :(

It is Martes (Tuesday) and we had another full day!! We started by going here:

Migracion…only to be told that there was no one there and we should return at 9am manana…remember manana (tomorrow) is one of the most used words in the Mexican vocabulary!!

Madre, don’t you have a smaller one of these in your condo? We will send it to you via courier!!

Bex hit the playa at Santa Cruz and I went here:

to work out underneath the:

On the walk back from the gym, I saw a man and his truck with the big 19 litro agua jugs. I asked him cuanto and he explained 69 pesos for the first jug and then 19 for the refill. We went into more preguntas (questions) as I needed to know where to leave the empty and how to get more agua. He said leave the empty and some pesos with the seguridad and they will call for more. Seems easy…will let you know how it works.

Anyway, I agreed to the deal and Benito carried the jug from his truck on the street up to our condo. I gave him 90 pesos, with 21 being a propina (tip), well deserved I think for carrying the water.

Happy to have the big agua as not only is it cheaper, but I know they are reusing the big plastic bottles.

On the way out to pick up Bex, I made mention with the guy at the gate, “necesito un foca Nuevo fuera de puerta” and gave him a piece of paper with our building and unit number on it. He said it would be a few days and also made mention that my Spanish had been correcto!! I will check in a few days to see if there is a new light bulb installed outside our door.

Picked up Bexico and she mentioned she had bumped into the Tasmanian Devil…a nice guy (from Tasmania) she seen around town a few times. His fiancée works in a restaurant with free wi-fi…hmmmm? He asked what we did for trabajo and Bex gave the cover story…including my Freedom 45 plan. He seemed to like the phrase and from all accounts, has adopted the phrase and plan!!

Our daily stop at Super Che (ok…not daily but still too often for Bex's liking!!), picked up a pump for the water jug, some pollo for tonite’s dinner as well as some more ice tea and sopa (soup) for Bex.

We were going to go to the plasticos store, but it is too hot in the car to leave the perishables, so we went home and said manana to the plasticos and instead hit the pool for some floating time!! Bex had a long conversation with Moe (Moe and Cathy we met yesterday) and heard some great stories about submarines in the port (coming from Columbia…nudge nudge wink wink) as well as seeing a line up of madres being given out their share of last years captured proceeds from some illegal activities.

Meanwhile mi amigo Roman happened by the pool so I jumped out to chat him up regarding Mojon and such. Soooo much easier to buy a condo in town or have a pre-built one on the playa. But once all the hoops have been jumped through, it will be amazing and considerably cheaper then buying a finished product.

The hoops? Federal zoning and leasing, and then the environmental studies (yes they do those here…particularly due to Fonatur). After all that, it is about getting the land into the bank trust, getting the designs on paper and then build it!!

Roman and I will get together in a few weeks and put pen to paper and list out the actual steps in order of priority.

545pm…a bit (hee hee hee) too calore (hot) to cook dinner, so we may head out for a walk, check out the size and cost of the table at the plasticos store, and then off to the internet. Last night at the internet store, we ran into one of the ladies that works at Sueno Real, the villas we have stayed in numerous times. We said hello, gave the cover story and watched as she was genuinely sad that we would not be guests for the next ano (year). Nice to see some friendly faces!!

This phrase is another useful one: “no consumar siel sello esta roto”…do not consume if the seal is broken. Saw that on the water jug.

Another Mexicoism….the oven has no temperature setting, just the numbers 1 to 5…I am thinking of baking the pollo at numero 4? Lol

Until manana…


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