Jueves Octubre 21, 2010 #2

2nd post of the day....

Well, the Jueves update is here.

You saw that I managed to log on to the internet this morning, and then spent some time catching up on email, banking etc.

From there, headed to Santa Cruz and managed to get my nuevo PIN. I waited in the lobby of the banco and was spotted by Vanessa. She took me to the bulletproof tellers and asked them to help me. My teller searched and searched, found the envelope with the PIN, but kept looking. I think she was looking for a new card too. I called out “perdon” and EVERYONE stopped and looked at me. LOL. Might not be the right thing to say in a banco?

Anyway, I told her I was looking for the PIN solo (only) and she sent me on my way. I was worried about using the new PIN because it is a one time number while you change to your own chosen code. I was worried because the last time I had to change the number at the ATM, it was all in Espanol and I needed help. I decided to tough it out…and the instructions were in both Espanol and Ingles!! Lol. So I have a new PIN and it is….come on!!

Tested the card, took out $500 pesos and then went to the Pemex for some gas. Doscientos (dos yentos) is easy in Espanol…$200 pesos.

Had a good time at the gym and had more conversation with Rosa. It ended with us agreeing in Espanol and then translated into Ingles, that we both enjoyed our conversations. Mi disfrutar des conversacion nuestros….or something close to that. I get confused with masculine and feminine nouns as well as with which word comes first…”our conversations” is translated as “conversations ours”.

Gym and then home. Meanwhile Bex has been busy working on 9 greeting cards (pamit.ca) as well a logo for her brother’s school.

We headed out, me to work on Lalo’s second project and Bex to send her work into Pamit.ca. I think I may have found out why we do not have internet:

Just kidding!! Lalo is meeting us at 1015am manana and we are headed to Telmex!!

I spent the next 90 minutes translating what will become a You Tube video for the Gabriel the Owl jewelry store. Bexico went first to the internet shop and then to Blue with the lap top and managed to get her work sent off. Big files….took a while via wi-fi.

Missed pool time, but a productive day.

Pollo y arroz por la cena. Comida est excellente!! Postere? A cookie that can best be described as Mexican shortbread….as described by the culinary taste buds of one Bexico!!

So I am ready to present my photo project. It is a collection of taxi cab photos. Interesting eh? This can turn into your own personal collection…a new photo every day for the next while!!

Many Mexicans do not own cars, so there are tons of taxis around. They are almost all the same style of Nissan, Turso, and each region has it’s own color with the drivers wearing shirts with the matching color.  Each region has it’s own collectivo (area where they can park and “collect” fares) but they are free to pick up fares while driving through other regions…just not allowed to park in another regions collectivo.

I am told there are set fares, and if they break the rules, they can be fined by the Transit Policia and/or fired. I hear that sometimes a “broker” sells a cab for $100 pesos, gives the driver the $50 they would have collected for the fare, and then pockets the other $50. If you take a taxi, talk to the driver directly and get the quote first.

I also hear (from Lalo), that businesses pay taxi drivers 10% of any sales they make from fares dropped off by said taxi. It is just a known practice that happens…it is Mexico.

So today’s photo:

A maroon taxi from La Crucecita…enjoy!!

It is now 830 pm and dinner is over, we are watching a DVD and I am about to type up Lalo’s work. Then off to update the blog.

Did you know they have football-soccer here? That is what they call soccer so as to not confuse it with football Americano or rapido soccer…soccer with only 7 players and on half the field/pitch. They play rapido soccer because they are sooo in love with soccer, that there are too many players and not enough fields.

Anyway, wish us luck with Telmex!!!

Until manana,


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