sábado, el 8 de noviembre de 2014

Oh yes, you like what I do with my hair?

Buenos tardes. That would have been 5am bed head...5am. Yikes. Bex had Max watch and I took over at 630am'ish.

Why oh why the 5am wake up?

The Boys had their usual morning...desayunos, play time, 2 short videos to keep Max tranquilo, off for a bici tour and then home for leche and off to the CP alberca.

Bex managed to join us...after walking her bici back from Che and dropping it off at the taller, shop, again. But hey...only a $30 peso fix...few.

A fun swim and then upstairs for more leche, some libros and then a 60 minuto siesta. Huh? You think that a 830pm-5am sleep would mean more then 60 minutos for a siesta? Ahhhhh....no.

Fingers crossed that esta noche goes smooth!! Buen suerte.

While Max was lights out, Bex had a Skype with a repeat client!! Typical work scenario for Bex, lots of work or almost none. Happy happy happy.

Post siesta there was some cooking for Max y Bex, and then off to the Palacio for comida and then as I returned from el gimnasio, they were off to playa Entrega.

I had a good gym session and then came home for some eats, a casa clean up and at 4pm, time for the fotos!!

Post business and ginchied up, Señor Curio checking out some peeps outside.

Did I mention how much Max enjoys having his foto taken? Like Poppa like hijo?

Hiding from the Canon.

Having come to the landing to say "hasta pronto" to us, but first Doctor Mom needs to check out the lil'man.

Besos usually do the trick.

Did I mention that besos usually do the trick?

Ojo ojo...Ciao Ciao has been spotted talking to Marciano. Note the safety vest. Huh? Allowed to wear flip flops and no safety eye gear while doing all their work...but the trabajadores must wear these vests?

Look at Max's expression...we were outta there!!

Look Poppa...no mess!!

This next foto took 5 minutos to complete due to someone not wanting to listen. Nothing new!!

Look at that expression. What a character!!

Behind the poste? Hola hola to el Gato, Polly.

In his Batman swim shorts, a little cooking in the cocina.

Listo para el comida!!

Headed to the camioneta, but there is always time for a little boogie.

Naaaah...rock in Croc and Max was putting his shoe back on.

Before being strapped into his car seat, Max has made his way to the front to say hola hola to his madre.

Time for a little zoom zoom?

Hola hola Poppa!!

Ok, off to watch some Nationwide racing and then onto cooking la cena...chuletas de cerdo for Bubba y Bex and another burger patty para Max.

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Our lil'man is pooped and it is showing. The fall he had at the iglesia did not help...yikes. But he is pretty duro and if you can empathize and then distract, it calms things down. That is until we gate home from the post cena prowl and he can now show his madre ANOTHER scrape that he has on his lil'dude knees!!

As for the afternoon...blogging for me and then onto la cena. Lots of fry pans and pots on the go and it was hot...but good news is that we are 3 for 3 today...Max has eaten 3 big meals!!

The familia had fun at playa Entrega and then came home as per usual (ja ja ja), at 505pm.

Dinner and then madre had her own tranquilo time as she psychs herself up for a night out!! An amiga of hers is opening a new restaurante so the gang are going out to celebrate and then might go out to a night club to celebrate another amigas cumpleaños. Wow...Bex is the social mariposa eh?

Any who...The Boys had a great prowl...until the running niño tripped. He runs non-stop and in the dark that is a fall waiting to happen.

Good news if there is any? He walked most of the way home, holding manos, and then had a short carry from his Poppa. Maybe oh maybe mañana he will walk and not run on the post cena prowl. Stay tuned...but don't bet on it!!

Tina time is wrapping up and then off to leche y libros.

Misc...they talk about the "terrible two's", but we feel that we really did well during Max's 2nd year. But...he has started his 3rd year with more defiance then we had previously seen. No crisis, but wow it is a lot of extra work.

Today we had a situation at SCA. Max was looking at a rack of seeds, flores y verdura, and all of a sudden these packs are on the floor. I speak up and Max ignores me. I speak up much louder and everything comes to a stop.

I go over and we talk about it and Max does not want to listen. Not listening to Poppa...you can walk home and I will carry the bici. Ahhhh...don't want that to happen? Ok, tell me you understand and say sorry.

The lip is trembling, his not mine, and as we head out Max tells me "I just want to touch them". One of the best things about our current situation is that we really have no set schedule, places we need to be at a certain time.

So we have the time to really talk to Max and make sure he understands and is ok before we move onto the next activity.

We parked the bici and in front of the cajas who have never seen Max act this way and are very curious about how I will react, Max and I head back to the seeds.

We touch most of them and I show him that the front pack is exactly the same as the packs behind them. Max is a-ok with this, so off we go and of course he says "I just like to put them on the floor". Of course he does and of course I have to explain to him why we cannot do this...4 times as we walk back to the casa!!

And then in the alberca? Full melt down when he was given a timeout for putting pool water in his boca...on purpose. He has become ill a few times, and we think it is due to pool or oceano agua, and he know he should not do it.

But after he brought the wailing down from ear piercing to acceptable, he repeated what he was supposed to do and then 5 seconds later...all was well. Of course it was.

Just in case you are wondering why I share this with all of you, it is NOT to vent. It is to make the parents out there nod their heads in recognition and then have a good laugh at our expense!!

Ok, have a great domingo and don't forget the race is at 2pm EST.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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