sábado, el 22 de noviembre de 2014

Now you see it.

Now you don't!!

Wowzers...what a different looking lil'man eh?

Buenos tardes!! Currently 440pm and we have just returned from a fun afternoon at the water slides. Entrance fee for 2, 2 chelas, una cafe y agua mineral...$170 pesos. Score!!

Currently the familia is busy in Lego land, so I take this time to jot down some notes before starting on la cena. Esta noche? Chuletas de cerdo and some more basa para mi hijo.

The rest of the día? Usual bedtime and noche, up at 605am. Usual rutinas and then when it came time for the bici tour, it took to long for lil'man to listen...so we headed off on a prowl instead.

Good exchange rate on pesos, so we stopped off at el banco and then onto the barber. No "cut" for Max...I told him it was a trim and he was ok with that.

There was 30 seconds of apprehension, but I sat next to him and for the next 25 minutos, he was such a well behaved niño. Wow...there is hope for when he goes to school and una maestra is in charge of him.

Funny part of the hair cut? A knock on the sliding doors from the Italiano with long dreads. He had seen Max in the chair and was excited for us!!

Interesting part of the hair cut? The barber tells us we are well known. He has clients come in and ask if the barber knows the güero y güerito that walk the streets every morning. He tells his clients he does know Max and they mention I am a good padre for spending so much time with mi hijo.

Oh...he is in a union libre with his esposa...they have kids so the mother of his kids becomes his esposa, but they are not legally married, so they are in an union libre.

Post cut, off to go for a swim, but we saw madre first and surprised her.

Off for leche and then a familia swim and then back upstairs for more leche, some libros and then onto a good siesta. I was tired...hola hola to some nap time with the lil'man!!

Awoken at 115pm and after some comida, off we went to the slides. Max had fun, but it looks like the slide have lost some of their lustre. Hola hola to more afternoons in the CP alberca!!

Ok, 10 minutos until I start cooking...so, onto the fotos.

Third floor landing fotos, pre-prowl.

Two years later, he still loves the water meters.

Cheerio y pasa pit stop, and the expressions that go along with it.

Post cut.

Another meter!!

Madre needs a moment to admire her newly shorn hijo!!

I think the haircut passes muster.

Lil'man LOVES his madre!!

Ok...onto the fotos from yesterday's adventura to the amigas barco, boat. And I must say...good fotos, taken by Bex, who used the crappy Sony DSC W730!!

Gerry and Goof and kinda goofy Max.

Chris and the barco that was custom built in Vancouver BC.

Ahoy Captain Max.

Exploring the barco.

Comparing hojas, leaves.

Max y madre.

Max really enjoyed his time with Gerry and Goof tambien.


And so then I...

Hey Max...want to go explore the engine room?

Bex says Max asked about everything...and Chris was quite accommodating.

Anchor away!!

This is such a Max'ism. He sees something new and exciting to him....

And MUST point it out to Bex with a "look Momma". It happens a dozen times cada día!!

I want to go on that one!!

The moorage looks nice, but being the only one in town...they charge $750 CDN/mes. Ouch!!

Chris said he needed to take Goof for a walk, and Max said he wanted Gerry to go!!

Looking towards playa Chahue.

Out to del mar.

Perfect...a playmate!!

He tossed the ball and then waited...

and waited...

and waited...

I think Goof had the ball!!

Find polvo...must kick up a storm!!

Ok...off to cook. Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! A great cena...hola hola to the Hys cajun spice on the chops!! Max ate a full plateful and then after clean up and our one video, we were off for a post cena familia bici tour.

Zoom zoom to the escuela and then through the zocalo and then back home. Tina time and I am told washing the hair was soooooo easy tonight!!

Leche y libros is about to start and that wraps up our día. Bex will take the first 30 minutos of bedtime and then head up to her oficina for a few more hours of work and I am hoping to have the lil'man lights out by 825pm!!

Race season is over until febrero...hola hola to NFL domingo!!

Have a great Sunday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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