martes, el 11 de noviembre de 2014

Now that is a great way to start our prowl, as we are headed to SCA to buy some huevos!! Una sonrisa!!

And this next foto is a terrible way to start your prowl to SCA to buy some huevos. ¿Por que?

Ok, so Max and I have just left the CP grounds and have made a sharp left, headed to SCA to buy the huevos. After that we will come home and head off to Fonatur, Che and then onto the familia swim.

See the round concrete lid?

It is about 2 feet wide and 5 inches deep, and it is shaped like a bath tub stopper, supposedly wedged (?) into place. Max and I are walking and a señora is coming our way, so I move to my right to let her pass. I step on the lid and it opens, plunging my left leg into the opening below, and then the concrete lid closes on my shin.

Holy fu*k does that hurt I say to myself. My camera has gone flying and Max wants to know why I have screamed out in pain...and there is NO way I can open the lid to get my leg out.

I call out for the trabajadore at the gate to come and a taxista that was parked across the calle came to my rescue as well.

I am hurting like 10/10 on the pain scale and see clumps of skin gone and clumps of hair hanging from various parts of both legs.

Max is worried and will be that way for the next hour, asking "what happened Poppa?" and "are you alright Poppa?"...about 100 times.

I yelled for Bex to come down and she helped me upstairs, where I promptly went into shock. Now having been in shock a few times before, I knew it was happening and told Bex I was ok, just needed to lay down and get an ice pack on my head.

Max is so worried and I keep trying to reassure him, meanwhile we haven't really looked at my injuries yet.

But I have a big gouge/scrape on the back on my left heel, a 2cm by 8cm scrape (skin and hair long gone) on the inside of my left shin, a loonie size scrape on the left side of my left knee, a 2cm by 4cm scrape on the front of my right shin, some scrapes on some toes on my right foot, a pulled left hamstring and now that things have settled down, I find I have sprained my left thumb.

No grabbing pesas, weights, at the gum for a week or more. Argh.

Bex hustled off to the farmacia and came back with the goods and the next step was to clean the wounds, oh that was fun, dry them up and then dress them.

Lots of oozing from the wounds and with all the wraps etc, I look like a mummy.

Some meds killed the pain and believe it or not, at 420pm, what hurts me most is the sore thumb...that is until I start pulling off the tape holding the bandages on and then remove the bandages. More meds please!!

So, suffice it to say, all of our morning rutinas have been changed. I am ok enough to go to Che with Max and Bex heads off for a bici ride. She missed out on some exercising...thanks for taking care of your Bubba!!

Max and I hit up Che, scored on some queso cheddar and then headed home for leche y libros. He was such a good boy as he missed out on his swim and did not complain. Gracias mi hijo!!

A later siesta due to all the excitement, but almost 90 minutos and up at 130pm. No gum for Poppa, so I crashed the party and went out with the familia to the taco truck where we sat and ate some camarone tacos. Pretty good food, good prices, a little small...I could have eaten 6, and always wary of salsa and mayo not kept on ice.

But we are working on our iron stomachs...stay tuned!!

And I think I jinxed it yesterday as today the nube obscura rolled in and there was no high pressure system over the oceano, so the dark clouds covered centro and we had a rain shower. Huh?

I was headed home to keep the scraped up camera dry, and the familia headed off to the panificadora, the parque (maybe they went) and then off to the mall to play on the jugetes.

I puttered around the casa, did some clean up and had a lay down as the body feels like it went through a 12 round boxing match.

I spent some time downloading a new Mac OS and with our internet being the equivalent of a 14.4 modem, it only took 4 hours. And then when I went to transfer some taco truck fotos from the Canon to the Mac, my iPhoto did not work as it is out of date.

Ok, time to vent. You Apple peeps know I use iPhoto and saw I used it yesterday. Why can you not just include the new version (which is free) when I downloaded the new OS? Makes sense to me.

Anywho...that 1 hour download is almost over and I hope to include the taco truck fotos today...o mañana.

Post mall, the familia came back for some leche and Max had some great solo play time with his carros. We watched and listened as Max played with the cars and talked about each car and what it was doing and what was going on in his play time.

Thrilled to see him be able to calmly play by himself...a good break from running around non-stop!!

Post play time, the familia loaded up and have taken their bicis out for a tour around centro. Still a little wet out there but they will be careful and be back before 530pm for muslo martes.

All caught up...onto the fotos I do have...and thank goodness the camera still works as it took a hard spill when I went down. Yikes!!

There is something about watching your niño accomplish a task that only a short while ago they could not have done without your help.

Croc off.

Rocks out.

Checking feet for more rocks.

Get rocks off bottom of pie.

Replace Croc...a job well done!!

Throw rocks over the balcony. Oh Max!!

Pose for Poppa...almost a sonrisa!!

Show Poppa you have had enough fotos taken.

And smile because you see your madre has come out to wish us an "hasta pronto".

Checking to see if we have enough carbon, charcoal, for tomorrow's trip to playa Mojon.

iPhoto update? I have downloaded the latest version...but it is not compatible with my older version, so for me to access my fotos, I now have to download the iPhoto Library Upgrader 1.1. Of course I do.

Off to do some more downloading and start cooking la cena.

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Hey, guess what? We are trying something new tonight and The Niño Whisperer might have the noche off!! Recently when I go in to relieve Bex at 750pm, Max gets riled up, jumps up in his cuna and wants a family hug.

Bex tells me that moments before I come in, he is telling his amigos it is bed time and that he too is going to sleep. So...tonight we will see. If Bex is not out by 830pm, The Whisperer will go in to close the show. Buen suerte madre!!

The iPhoto downloads? Got the Upgrader downloaded and then I had to find it in the download folder and then open it before it showed up under Finder-utilities.

From there I had to then let it do it's job on my old iPhoto library and now...ta-da!! All is good except that all my new events go to the top of my events page, where all my oldest events are. They used to go to the bottom, with the most recent events. Hmmm...maybe there is a solution?

The familia never made it to the parque, only the mall and the panificadora, but they then went out and had a great bici ride. Max on the sidewalk and Bex riding her bici next to him but on the calle.

Home for some tranquilo time and then onto a huge cena!! Max finished up last night's plato and then ate up all of tonight's tambien. Score!!

Giving Bex some tome to catch up on work, especially if she is in the bedroom until 830pm, she took a pass on the post cena prowl and The Boys went out for a good 35 minutos. Off to the escuela where lots of peeps walked by and said "hola Max", and where some niños stopped to either stare at us, or were brave enough to come up and ask questions about Max.

Skipped, literally, through the zocalo and then home for tina time, leche, biz time and now they familia is off to Max's room. Libros?

Ok, as noted, iPhoto is back up and running, so here are the fotos from the walk to the taco truck, where today we ate our comida.

Post siesta, Max was not very energetic and our trip to the taco truck became a "carry".

Max is about to see the nubes obscura.

And get really excited about them.

And make sure madre saw them tambien.

Oh, madre was excited!!

Lil'man checking to see if I am still taking fotos.

And then he looks away.

The taco truck.

Adios to mi familia as they are off to the panificadora and the mall.

Wish me luck...about to take a shower with all these open wounds. Ouch!!

Have a great miercoles y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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