martes, el 4 de noviembre de 2014

Look at me...I am three!!

No, Max does not usually run around the grounds in his ginchies!! He was given a bálon de fútbol by Bev y Pedro, and he was out with his madre, post siesta, giving it a go.

Buenos tardes!! Currently 4pm and I hear Bex y Max downstairs, having returned from an attempt at going to the CP alberca. Why the turn around? Madre needed to do some taping of the shins on the lil'man because he decided to take the RC carro that he received as a gift, and rev the llantas on his shins. Ouch...can you say llanta burn?

But off they go and hopefully he is good for a swim and then some tranquilo time before we head out at 515pm'ish for la cena. Hola hola to Los Portales...the pastel is in the fridge and we are listo!!

Ok, the día...

Good bed time and then at 130am when we went for pee break...there was not a drop to be found. It was the friggin Sahara Desert. Huh?

I found out that while I was fast asleep, Bex took the lil'man out at 1230am and took care of his bladder, scoring what she calls the most tender beso she has ever had from the lil'man. Oh, now I get it...scooping besos eh?

So after the 130am attempt, lil'man decided he would fall asleep and then wake up asking for manos...4 times in a row.

At 2am I just told him I needed sleep and his reply was "can I sleep with you on the bed?". Yo on that and after a quick "don't fall on the floor" reconfiguration of the pillows, off we went. Lights out for both boys and we had some stirring at 530am and up for good at 6am.

Leche and then we waited for the iPad alarma and then it was videos on the bed, laying nest to his sleeping Poppa...until the next alarma goes off at 715am.

We both bounce out of bed...Max jumping over me and Bubba jumping up to make sure he makes a 2 point vs 4 point landing. All good.

Now, Max knows it is his birthday and knows he is going to receive regalos from his madre y padre, but did not show any signs that today was a different day.

We had our usual time and desayunos in the Palacio. A good breakfast and we even had some pan with mermalada de naranja...Max's favorita it seems. So much so that we had to go out ayer and buy some!!

Timing is everything and the plan was to wait with the regalos until we were ready to head out on our Che run. Otherwise it would have been next to impossible to corral the lil'man and get him ready to go.

Bex came down from the oficina, and it was time to crack open the loot.

Here Bex y Max look over some new Lego that he received from tía Roseanne.

Time to show some intensity and get to the goods.

Batman inspection.

More loot!!

Hotwheels inspections.

And a test drive tambien.

More loot? Madre sure looks excited!!

This is the wood truck (literally) that Max and I found in the local mercado and Max told me he really liked. I went back the next day and scored it for $110 pesos...down from $120.

Oh yes, he likes it.

Right after he had the truck, he made a statement that made both Bex and I proud. He grabbed his large Coca Cola wood truck, a gift from Oma y Opa, and he told us that we should give it away to kids that don't have any toys. Wow...that coming from a 3 year old? Awesome!!

Oma y Opa...don't worry...we are holding on to it and will give away something else of Max's.

After some play time, I managed to pry Max away from his new truck and off we went. Fonatur for recycling and then onto Che. Where ever we went we practiced the frase of the día..."hoy esta mi cumpleaños" and we also worked on Max telling peeps he was now "tres años" vs "casi tres años".

No scores at Che, but we did grab most everything off our list.

Home for familia swim and then onto a FT con Oma y Opa, leche, libros and siesta time.

I grabbed 30 minutos of that siesta...a lil'hand holding with mi hijo!!

Up at 120pm and Max was into cook mood and quickly lost interest and went into play mode and then comida.

I was off to el gimnasio and feeling waaaaaay better then ayer. Really only have the sore hip and sore forearm to deal with today!!

Headed home, pit stop to grab the pastel, and then found the familia out for a prowl. I guess the burning of the shins did not go over well and there was a DEFCON 5 situation, so the familia decided a change of scenery was in order.

They came home for leche and the pool, I did some clean up and then had a pre-cena shower and that is where we are so far.

Onto some more futbolista fotos?

I think Max will be a portero, goalie, as he likes to use his manos.

Hair in motion!!

Max in motion.

Whoa...look at that mane of hair!!

Doph...dos pies izquierda!! All good.


Ok, off to dinner!! Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! A great dinner...o fun being with the lil'man who understood this was all about him and wanted us to sing Happy Birthday a dozen times!!

He ate a huge dinner and by the time the pastel was eaten (some left behind for the meseros and the rest for some late night snaking here at the condo), it was already 645pm.

$470 pesos with propina included!! It is great that all 3 of us are a-ok with eating at Los Portales...low maintenance when it comes to restaurantes!!

Home for tina time and then off to leche y libros, a business pit stop and at 740pm, bed time has started. I have 10 minutos until The Niño Whisperer goes in and tries to get the sugar-fixed lil'man to fall asleep. Buen suerte Poppa!!

But...we do have fotos!!

Heading off to Los Portales, pastel in hand.

This señora sells oh so yummy cachuates and Max has no problem going up to her with $10 pesos and asking for a bolsito.

Lil'man loves agua mineral...y su madre!!

Oh please mas fotos.

Keeping Max distracted while waiting para la cena.

Tortilla chips and some hot pico de gallo. Max LOVES their pico...but eats too much and too fast. Note the vaso de boca!!

Two osos o tiburons attempting some "nose nose".

More pico!!

Hot chili...crazy ojos!!

Hola hola madre!!

Platos were taking too long for the birthday niño.

But even when the platos came, it was no less messy!!

Nothing pairs with a lil'pastel de chocolate like a lil' is leche but in madre's cafe cup.

Ok...another birthday in the books!!

Off to take care of the lil'man.

Have a great miercoles y hasta mañana!!

UPDATE....the last things said by Max as he was handed over from Bex to Bubba? "Family hug" and then "I love BOTH of you, Momma, Poppa and Max"...we laughed out a good way!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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