lunes, el 17 de noviembre de 2014

And off goes the mono, monkey.

Buenos tardes!! We are onto the sunny streak...the next rain will happen after we are out of here!!

I hear the pitter patter of the lil'man's feet as the familia returns from a swim in the CP alberca. Next stop? Tranquilo time for Poppa!! ja ja ja

Next stop is actually to the Tic Toc Palacio that seems to be open for business...just for today. So after the leche pit stop, they will head out and be back at 530pm para la cena.

On tonight's menu for the lil'man? Arroz, pollo con queso and some jitomate. I thought we had salmon in the freezer, but I was wrong. We will pick some up mañana during our Che run!!

Gonna keep this brief...lucky for all of us.

Longer bed time, good noche until 530am and then onto the rutinas. All good there and then we were off for a bici tour and then home for the familia swim.

Currently 415pm and we managed to fit in a FT con Oma!! And since it was not video time for Max, he actually paid her some attention!!

Back to the día...pool time, exited pool due to water in the boca and then headed upstairs for leche y libros...and we never made it. Doph.

Bouncing on the bed led to a time out and then not listening to his madre led to massive amounts of tears. Pretty sure it was all due to the 530am wake up and being pooped from the one hour tour.

Straight to siesta time and that calmed him down and Bex had him asleep in 20 minutos, around 1140am or so.

A good siesta...Bubba grabbed some of it tambien...score!! I was woken up at 130pm and the lil'man 10 minutos later...a full 2 hour siesta. Whoa...muy raro!!

I was off to el gimnasio for a lame session and then home to find the panque baked and the familia's comida eaten.

They were off to the pool and I did a clean up and ta da...our día so far.

Onto the fotos.

Two attempts at 3rd floor landing fotos.

Why is Max saying "whoa dudes....cuidado!!"?

Hello...flying cases of agua!!

Always a new obstacle for me to keep an eye out for when on the tour or prowl with the lil'man.


At the escuela...zoom zoom.

There were 2 señoras and a niño at the escuela and the niño couldn't stop staring at the bici. Max's first response to letting the boy try the bici was "no, it is mine". But after a few more tours around the lot, he got off his bici and gave it to the 4 year old niño to try.

The boy got on, went 2 meters, fell and then ran back to his madre and did not want to try again. The señoras thanked us and Max made a comment to me about the niño falling. We zoomed away and as we rounded the corner away from the school yard, Max promptly drove into the hedges and fell off his bici.

After making sure he was a-ok, I chatted it up, comparing the two falls and I could see the wheels in Max's head turn.

Off through the zocalo and Max wanted to climb his arbol. Okee dokee.

He met a new amiga who happened to be 4 years old and a more experienced tree climber. But Max put on a good show!!

Warning....scary foto coming next. Don't scroll down if you are faint of heart!!

You have been warned!!

Last opportunity to close your browser!!

Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh. You just had to look...didn't you!!


Thank goodness for amigas!! One of Bex's has arrived and brought us down a care package. Hola hola to some Purdy's chocolate, some tea, Lego for Max and some Hys Cajun Spice!! Super Score!!

Riding through centro and the policia municipal pulled over to say hola hola to Max. He waved and then as he rode away, they hit the siren and Max looks at me and asks "what is that?". I ask him if he has an infraction and he looks worried.

I told him they were just being friendly and saying adios to him and he smiled and off we continued.

Want to see some of Bex's work? Click HERE and the first 2 illustrations you see are Bex's!!

Ok, tranquilo time and then off to cook la cena.

Back at you post tina time.

Hasta pronto!!

Buenos noches!!

The familia had lots of fun at Tic Toc...minus the fact that Max ripped off 1/2 a toe nail. Ouch. But he seemed to be pretty brave about it.

Onto la cena and the cheese covered pollo was a no go. He wanted pollo sin queso...but it too turned out to be a no go. Bex then took some pollo and grated it finely, we called it pollo queso and Max ate all of it up. Of course he did.

Good eats...hola hola to some cajun spice on the pollo muslo!! Clean up and then The Boys went for a short prowl and had a nice sit on the curb to re-energize the lil'man's batteries. We sat and just looked at things and had some man talk.

Home for tina time and we are about to change the bandaid on Max's toe...this might take all 3 of us.

The onto leche y libros and hoping, oh hoping, for a 825pm (or earlier) bed time!!

Have a great martes y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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