sábado, el 29 de noviembre de 2014

"I see you"...as spoken by Max.

Buenos noches!! Well...that was a wacky afternoon...for all of us!!

Max should have gone pee before he left the casa. But first, he calls an audible and does NOT want to ride his bici to Che...too far. Bici back upstairs and madre limos the lil'man on her bici.

Once near Che...he has to pee. Of course he does. But will he go into the public baño at Che? Ahhhhh....no. He has a phobia about the sound the toilet makes when it flushes. Yup...serio.

He goes into hysterics...he has to pee but won't go. Bex makes the call and they head home to pee...plans for playing on the playa are now cancelled.

Max holds his pee and Niagara Falls happens when they get home. Post pee...off to the campo.

Meanwhile...I was to meet Tony at 330pm at the Pemex in Santa Cruz. Of course he is late and meanwhile an hombre has come to me and asked me if I am Marcos. He is the Captain of the lancha, boat, we are to be going on.

Huh? Boat? I thought we were doing a little snorkeling off the playa. Ahhhhh....no.

Now with Tony late, there is NO way I am going to be home by 5pm and have dinner ready for 530pm. That, and I have no way to tell Bex I will be home later then that.

I jump on Tony's moto and search playa Chahue...ahhhhhh, the familia is at Che trying to pee. I head home and leave a note for them and then get back to the harbour.

I need to be on shore at 515pm and everyone is a-ok with that. Off we go, the 4 of us, and we head off shore to some rocks and in we go. We swam for 30 minutos or so and I saw a ton of fish as well as a stingray. And right about then I started getting motion sick from laying on the top and looking into the water.

Back to the boat and we went to playa Entrega to relax before the Boys dropped me off at Santa Cruz.

I said sorry, but they were a-ok...tranquilowe. Me? My stomach did not feel normal for another hour!!

I came home and the familia arrived 5 minutos later, having received my note while they were in for the pee break.

I cooked la cena and managed to eat my meal about 15 minutos after everyone had started theirs. Yikes...motion sickness.

Max ate most of his cena while standing up again...huh? But he ate a huge plateful and made room in his belly 1/2 way through. Ja ja ja

Post dinner check up? Padre not 100%, madre still scratching her head about Max's phobia and Max ready to take on the world. Ok...we stay home and Max plays with his toys!!

Early tina time, off to lots of libros and then onto tranquilo time in the bedroom. I have 14 minutos before I go in to close the show. Hola hola to another 825pm!!

As for the first part of our día? A great bedtime and noche as well as a 620am wake up!!

Usual morning rutinas for us...leche, videos, Palacio time and then off for a bici tour. Pit stop for pesos and then quickly spent some on some Crown and another pair of tenis para Max.

Home for leche and then a change into pool gear and off we went to the CP alberca. Madre joined us for a few minutos and then The Boys finished off before heading upstairs for more leche and some libros tambien.

A good siesta and then off to bake some more banana muffins...attempt #52 I think. Bex y Max have sure figured out how to make the tops of the panque yummy!!

I was off to el gimnasio and came home just in time to say hasta pronto the familia, and to keep some ojos on Max as Bex went back upstairs to store his bici....no ride for Max who said he was tired....after having done no post siesta physical activities of any sorts. Oh Max.

And I think that was our day....so onto the fotos!!

If I promised to be quick, I was allowed to take a few fotos before our bici tour.

Giving some peeps the serious ojos.

Smiles abound Max waits for Poppa to retrieve the llaves for the camioneta verde.

Max really wanted to see me fill up the windshield fluid and ayer I went to Che and found some. With a cold motor, we found a safe place for Max to observe. And once it was full...hola hola to a test of the wipers!!

Zoom zoom, followed by Geronimo!!

Not sure, but I think he did get some aire on that jump!!

Tough to tell, but Max was excited to see the motor had been replaced in this 4x4.

Most peeps here do not have front or back yards, thus you find perros on the roof.

Pit stop at the zapatería, shoe store.

For shoes...and Cheerios of course.

Hmmm...Poppa is busy taking fotos....time to find some more pasas!!


Ok, off to take care of the lil'man.

Have a great domingo y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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