viernes, el 30 de noviembre de 2012

Hola!!! Keep reading as there are a ton of fotos in tonight’s update!!

FYI...sphell chek knot werking too knight.

The Mojon fotos from ayer.

The other half of the lot is now cleared.

We are starting to collect our madera for the Fin de Año bonfire.

Why would we want to live in a place that has this as a front yard?

These next ones are all about Max and his alberca and his pail.

He does not hold hands too often...cherish it when it happens!!

Someone has spotted his alberca.

This would be Max running!!

Thanks padre!!

When tired of having your own pool, step into a bucket.

And for you out there that say Max doesn't is proof he does!!

As for Madre had the night shift and shook me out of my slumber at 7am so I could take over Max time.

We had our AM rutina and today’s task was to get Max to eat his desayunos without being distracted by EVERYTHING!!

He sees the sink, he wants a sink bath. He sees his soothers, he wants a soother. And then he will point at other items, just to make sure I am aware that the ceiling fan and such, are still there.

So hola to the fridge, microwave, door etc. Ja ja ja

But that does lead us to talk about what words Max does understand. He is a smart lil’niño and is getting quite the memory for words.

The list?

No boca.
No tocar
Chico (his small guy Squatchi)

And probably a few more words as well. Great to teach him words and see him recall them!!

No walk during our rutina, as we jumped into the camioneta to take Jay to meet Raphael, mi mecanico amigo.

A quick tour around town and then home for siesta time. And after that, madre took over so I could meet up with Roman and have another Mojon meeting.

And how did that meet go? Excellent mi amigos, excellent!! And our excitement level has peaked again as this dream is more a reality then ever before!!

Still need to redo the plans and costing, then review EVERY detail that we have agreed upon and then make our final decisions. But if we say “Go”, we can have our beachfront casa ready in 9 to 12 months!!

We will end up with a 144 m2 casa, 2 levels, 2.5 baños, 2 recamaras, cocina, sala y a 225 ft2 roof top patio!! And what will the roof top look like? Something like this.

But with a view of the oceano!!

Stay tuned as we should have some new plans and numbers in a week to 10 days!!

Long meeting and then I bolted for the gym and when I came home, the familia was still zzzzz, so ate my ensalada and when everyone was awake, off to playa Santa Cruz for some playa time.

As per the usual, a great time for all…and some fish fotos to boot.

And as we were packing up to head home for hamburguesa viernes, Sandra from INM came out to say hola to us (ok, it was Max but said hola to us too!!) and gave us an invite to an INM event in diciembre.

They are holding a Día Internacional del Migrante event in Santa Cruz and there will be exhibits of artists, culture and food. Sandra asked if Bex would bring some of her work to display. Not sure we will do that, but we will attend and are honored to be invited.

Home for la cena and the PM rutina and what was new today? After a year and 4 weeks, Max is off the boobie!! Madre has been weaning him and tonight he had formula for his pre-bed snack.

And what made madre have a tear? Well after all that time with the lil’guy tanking up, there was the expected emotional attachment…but Max seems to have said adios to the boobie waaaaay too easy!! Oh Max, at least say gracias!! Ja ja ja

Currently 930pm and all is tranquilo in the casa….phew!!

And here are the rest of the fotos.

Max looking for padre's bellybutton.

Day one of Max drinking a fruit smoothie.

From this morning...guess who is ready to get out of his cuna.

Round two on the smoothie. Blue cup...smoothie. Red cup...leche.



Padre, the smoothie? Not so yummy today.

Max's favorite time of the day? Leche break con...oops, ON madre.

Mañana? El gimnasio and we’ll see if there is any leche at Che…how exciting!!

As for domingo? Sneak in some football and I am thinking we will make it to Mojon for some playa time.

Buen fin de semana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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