miercoles, el 28 de noviembre de 2012

Hola and welcome to another wacky sleep day here in Huatulco!!

Won’t bore you with the details, but let’s just say Max y madre were up at 5am and padre took over at 530am.

Max and I made an honorable attempt at falling asleep again, but ahhhh no…it wasn’t going to happen.

So we were up at 645am and conducted the AM rutina, but without the walk as we ran out of time.

Right before our cleaner came in, Max and I headed in for our siesta and we broke our world record!! Yup…asleep by 850am and awake at 1135am…almost 3 hours!!

Great that Max (and padre) caught up on the sleep, but wow, do we wish he would sleep past 5am. All we can do it keep trying….stay tuned.

So, not much to report when you wake up at noon. Doph.

I did hit the gym and madre y Max had some playa time and later, while I was prepping la cena, they had another walk. This time they bumped into a few tourists and chatted them up. Their níno, Logan, is 18 months old and only slightly bigger then the not so lil’guy Max!!

Great steaks para la cena, a FT with Opa while Max was trying on his new motorcycle helmet (metal pot used to fill the tina) and then the rest of the PM rutina.

Currently 910pm, Max is zzzz and Bex is puttering around the cocina getting Max set up for mañana. Me? Hola to Duck Dynasty miercoles!!


Brrrrr. It was chilly this morning!! We have hit our 2012 low of 23,7 grados….frio!! And it should dip a few more grados in dicimebre and then it starts to head back up in enero.

The other morning I asked the senora that sells items in the zocalo, where her daughter was. The answer? The water was too cold for her to wash up and come out!! Hilarious.

Only a few fotos…more mañana as we are headed to Mojon!

Elder motioned me over to take this foto of his amigo Bulmaro taking a siesta.


Piña and it is on sale for less then $1 Cdn!! I think I will head back there mañana!!

But since there were no Max fotos, please click HERE to see a little video of Max dancing!!!

Have a great jueves!!

Marco, Bexico Y Max

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