martes, el 22 de marzo de 2011

Another martes here in Huatulco.

Feliz Cumpleanos to mi amiga Leanne...tienne 29 anõs...again!!!

Typical martes…clase, Telmex, Che, gimnasio, alberca and a short walk around to get pollo para la cena.

Clase? Phew…tough stuff trying to differentiate between the verbos “ser” and “estar” which both mean “to be”. Oh well…good notes and if I can get it all into mi cabeza (head), I will be fine.

Despues clase, we went to Telmex and saw our ol amiga Christine. She was a tad confused why we were back, but with our español and both her and her jefés ingles, we explained the issue.

This was around 1230pm and she told us we could probably expect a técnico mañana.

Che is across the street and we picked up some groceries and then it was home and I was off to el gimnasio and Bexico did a workout at home.

Fotos from the walk.

This is the wire box at the bottom of the stairs.

The plan is to get our external phone/internet wire removed and have the line attached to one of these. Yikes.

Ricardo working hard at the gate.

He is the hijo (son) of Marcelino, our favorito hombre that works the gate.

Travelling flip flop salesman.

He is attempting to sell some wares to the senorita who works at the restaurante.

Is this a sign of more to come?

Weather forecast for this week is a mixed bag. When I explained the pronóstico to Rosa, she laughed. She does not believe there is a chance of lluvia y tormentas this week. We will see!!

Link to our forecast as of 10pm.

Weather forecast

Armored car heist anyone?

I often see this camión (truck vs camióneta which is a light truck) parked in the shade of the parque.

It has been a while….WFSITBOTT?

Naranjes…oranges. Same price as we pay at the fruit y veggie store, so I did not pick some up…and lug them to/from el gimnasio.

Otra foto of a structure in the parque.

It is amazing to see things “brown” up but at the same time, in 6 meses, we have seen trees go from being full of green leaves, to losing them all and now becoming fully green again. The seasons have a different affect on the flora down here.

I saw this nina waiting con su hermano y los padres de un taxi.

This padre goes the extra mile for his ninos.

Daily around 2pm many of the schools get out and you will see parents everywhere and with every means, picking up their kids.

Un camión nuevo para las policía municipal.

It takes some getting used to as there are many different levels of policing here. Transito, municipal, estado, federal, military, marina….

I don’t know all their roles, but my advice…obey them all!! Ja ja ja

There is an abarrote right next to el gimnasio and this fella hangs out there.

As for el gimnasio, it was a good workout!! Rosa was away at parent teacher meetings and when she returned, it was not with a smile!! Oh oh for Juan Manuel…ja ja ja

Good chats and some workout with Yeu…also known as Guillermo aka Memo. Good kid…all of 18 years old.

Stopped off and picked up some local roti pollo para la cena. While waiting in a long line, I was asked for my order antes a young hombre, who had been there before me. I told the hombre my order, but made sure he knew my pequeño amigo was primero…first. That made the young hombre smile.

Then they ran out of change and the senorita in front of me was given a handful of coin vs some bills. We both laughed and I offered to exchange some of the coin for the bills I was about to use to pay for our pollo. She appreciated it and I appreciated making another good impression on the locals.

Then (this was an exciting time buying the pollo) another young hombre butts right in front of me and tells the guy he wants some pollo. I look at the kid and say “hey…maleducación!!”…rude, bad form and/or uneducated.  I then told him I was primero and he was segundo and showed him where he should stand!!

He was a good kid, just rude. Ja ja ja. He did as told and then when I told the guy packing up my pollo that arroz y salsa es no necessario, the young kid said “¿porque no salsa? ¿no te gusta?”. I said no and said hasta luego. He smiled and as I walked away I heard him say “good bye”. Lol

Was home 5 minutes later anticipating alberca time…but ta-da…Telmex was on site. They had called and in total español, Bexico had told them yes we needed a técnico and where we lived. What multi-lingual mujer!!

I was concerned that the técnico had not connected the correct wires (s shown to me ayer by the otra fellow) and we discussed it to the best of our ability. At the end, I just figured I would wait and see what happened.

He came back into the condo, attached the new cable to the outlet and told us we would have internet in 5 minutos

There are several holes…bit no wires. I will ask Oscar o Hector (silent H) if they will repair the walls…for a small fee.

We did manage to squeeze in some alberca time and then we went out for more veggies and believe it or not, mas pollo. 

I wanted to compare flavours and we went to Imperial (across the street) for some pollo asado…grilled pollo. I need to write the word down…but the menu states entro pollo para$120 pesos and sin (without) sides/fixings, for only $90 pesos. Big pollo and both good styles were good…with papas de puree!! Mashed potatos.

Bexico is busy at it in her oficina and I am about to post this entry. Our plan para mañana…both of us want to do a workout and then it is tiempo para Mojon as it may become cloudy later this week.

Last foto for the día.

This is our lavadora and yes, all the ropa are rosa. Four es mi culpa!! Not my fault...phew.

Have a great miercoles amigos.

Marcos y Bexico

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