martes, el 24 de junio de 2014

Has anyone seen our niño? Max, where are you? "I am here Poppa" was his reply.

Buenos tardes!! There has been such a positive response to my weather snap shots, we might start a blog just about them!!

So, at 4pm, what does it feel like outside?

Overcast skies, but it is still 30, 0 and feeling like 43,0. Yup, the fans inside the casa are on full blast.

As for our día, it started with a great noche!! It still took Max an hour to fall asleep, and it was at 820pm vs the much preferred 8pm, but an hour is still 30 minutos better then it has been recently.

But the best part was the 535am wake up, the only wake up, in the cuna!! Onto the usual rutinas but do to the earlier wake up, Max wanted to hang out with his Poppa..."Poppa wake up" was heard more then once.

There was some video time and then tranquilo time in the palacio before we headed in for the huge desayunos.

It is martes so we are off to Che, but we took a short prowl before we went and grabbed our carne, pollo and at SCA, we grabbed some huevos.

Drop and go at the casa and then onto recycling and Che. No real scores as we are now used to seeing Che regularly stocking cheddar cheese. But...the "excitement" came at the caja as the visa card would not work and they tried it in the register twice and then on their hand held machine as well.

They hold the purchase and we head to the 3 ATMs that they have...and 20 minutos later we have some cash. Yikes.

The first machine took 5 minutos to tell me it could not dispense cash, the second machine wanted $80 pesos to use it...ahhh no, the third machine took a minute to tell me it could not dispense, so I went back to the first machine, thinking I should just take out less $$.

And 5 minutos later I had the same message....argh. I realized I had my Mexican Scotiabank card with me, so I went back to the third machine and ta-da.

But you know how Mexican ATM machines are, even ones from "major" Mexican bancos? And yup...I received no $$ and they took money from my account. Argh again. So this afternoon I headed back to Che to grab the info from the cajero and mañana I will need to call TD bank...again.

But the good news is that I am 3 for 3 on these things, even if they take 50 business days.

Any who...after Che we made it home, a little later then scheduled and Max was on to leche, libros and siesta...almost 2 hours.

Post siesta I was out the door to el gimnasio and then Che, and then home to say adios to mi familia and then a little casa clean up and in 45 minutos I will start cooking la cena, chorizo y pollo pasta.

And while I was at the gym, it was fiesta time for the familia. First off was some fun time in the oficina, then there was cooking some pollo para la cena, a PB y J sandwich for his comida and then another dance party. The familia seems to love the post-comida dance party!!

And as I type away, they are at playa Santa Cruz having some fun in the olas I am sure!!

Ok...onto the fotos.

We were on the quick prowl and we spotted Max's amigos driving the camion de Gas Oaxaca. He quickly told me "I am tired" and "no say hola"....hmmmm.

He promptly took a pit stop, so Bubba started snapping away.

And as we proceeded down the calle, there were a few "Poppa" until we were next to the camion and Max promptly said hola hola to his amigo. This amigo drives the truck around, filling up peeps tanques. And under the sun visor in the truck? He keeps Max's Christmas card from Dec 2013!!

And after Max had come down from a Def Con 5, I asked him if he wanted to be on the camion and as you may know, if Max wants to be on the camion, Max goes on the camion!!

Poppa!! Arrachera natural for only $115 per kilo!!

Quite a few peeps could not believe this was happening, but Max made it home without breaking a single huevo.

Ok...time to cook la cena. I just saw the familia swim in del mar, so they have headed to the CP alberca for a dip.

I will finish this off esta noche!!

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Round 1 is under way and we capped off the day with la cena, clean up time and then another fun bici ride. It is now rutina and Max asks about and talks about going for the ride after dinner.

We headed to the campo de futbol and Max wheeled around and kicked up his own huge dust cloud...of course he did.

Hot hot noche, but in an hour or so we should be in the high 20's, feeling like the mid 30's!!

That's all for today. Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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