miercoles, el 6 de febrero de 2013

Hola hola!!

No fotos...lo siento.

Crazy night of sleep, led to a wacky morning, but it also led to a great afternoon at Mojon.

A recap of the night? max was awake from 1145pm until 115am. Nothing worked. It sucked for all involved and he finally fell asleep until 530am...and then did not fall asleep again. 

Again I tried everything...except for Kanka on his dientes!! Madre thinks he has a few more teeth coming in and maybe he needed the Kanka. Doph.

So let's just say I was pooped and Max was wide awake. I managed to keep him occupied until 7am and then the Whisperer had to do something he has done very rarely...he went and woke up madre!!

Bex took over and the familia had desayunos and a walk around the CP grounds and then at 9am, the lil'guy just couldn't keep his ojos open anymore. Nap time and they both awoke 2 hours later!!

Me? My ojo were closed by 701am!! And they didn't open again until 3 hours later!!

Once everyone was awake, we loaded up and off we went. Another great time at Mojon, the tide was going out so lots of playa for the lil'guy to prowl on!!

And after his comida, did he look tired? Yup. Now usually a Mojon nap takes some work. Hoy? In my arms while we were both on the hamaca and after a little swaying...lights out again!! And this was no shortie as it turned into a full hour!! 

After some more time roaming the playa, time to get home. So we packed up and once home, a little clean up and then off to the alberca to shower off some sand and have a dip.

After that, padre set up the condo for la cena and the PM rutina while madre y Max went out for some fruta y verdura.

Great cena and an easy tina time and you are all caught up.

Knock wood...he has been asleep for 2 hours!!


Futbol season is over...Nascar is around the corner!!

Mañana? Che y el gimnasio. Busy day!! ja ja ja

Have a great jueves.

Marco, Bexico y Max 

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