lunes, el 4 de febrero de 2013


I have been forgetting my Mexican holidays…thus the banco was closed today…doph. Third time lucky?

So 2 de febrero was Día de los Candeleria and as a refresher, click HERE for some information on that day.

Mañana is Día de Constitucion, but businesses take today off so they can stretch out a long weekend. Daniel told me the banco should be open mañana.

Click HERE for a little light reading on the Mexican constitution.
I should have known there was a long weekend as in town there were more turismo buses then normal. Most of these buses come from DF, where they are having daily highs of only 22,0 grados and lows of 7,0 grados.

Compare that to our 32,0 and 25,0 and you see why the Chilangos have headed south for the long weekend.

Ok, our día? Max had a super long stretch of sleep!! 11pm until 515am could be a record for the lil’guy…and I lucked out as I had the night shift!!

Max leche’d up at 515am and then had 30 minutes of snooze time but at 545am he needed some padre time. So I lugged him into bed and we snoozed until 615am, when he sat up and in no uncertain actions, told me he was awake.

So he prowled the bedroom while padre kept an ear open…and his ojos closed!! But at 7am he told me he was hungry by rubbing his tummy, and off we went for some banana and then desayunos.

A good morning and instead of the walk, we headed out in the camioneta, first to the banco (cerrado) and then onto Che.

No scores but did grab some t-bones para la cena!!

Home for the siesta and by the time the boys woke up, half the day was gone!! Huh? Yup, up and at’em around 1230pm!!

Madre took over and after the familia ate their comida, it was playa time (again) for the two of them!!

Me? El gimnasio and then a pit stop to say hola to Daniel, with whom I have not chatted with in weeks. Nice to catch up and see what is new in his world.

Then it was alberca time to grab some sol and next thing you know, it is time to set up for the PM rutina, cook la cena and ta da…you are caught up.


Here is the gato series from ayer.

Max and I were coming home from Pucks and Max spotted the cat that is visiting with his owners.

Now Max LOVES gatos and is not afraid of them. The question is whether the gato should be afraid of Max!!

As you can see by padre's hand gestures, I am saying "calma, calma" as Max goes hard on his petting.

By the expression on Max's face, you can see that "calma" is not his favorite behaviour.

Ok then...I'm outta here!!

Hey gato...I'm baaaaack!!

And so is padre. No need to have a niño with a bunch of cat scratches!!

Gato time is over!! Tiempo para la cena.

This is a very long tail of a type of squirrel that I have never seen before. And one that likes cocos!!

Pollo delivery guy and a tamarindo. Not a bad mordida if you ask me.

A very low key van making it's way through town. Two hippies with placas from Chile.

The periódicos have many articles about niños in Mexico having to work to help support their families. Here is another example. It is just a sad fact of life here.

On a happier note, on my way home from chatting with Daniel, I ran into madre y Max. And then we ran into Max's amigos and here they are.

Raul loves picking Max up, and Max does not seem to mind.

And to show his approval, he pulls Raul's ear which make Raul laugh even more.

And last but not least, an adios from the gang.


Not going to jinx it, but Bex has quite a few job leads and we will see how that all turns out. Stay tuned.

Mañana? A regular día for us and back to Mojon on miercoles.

Have a great martes!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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