domingo, el 17 de febrero de 2013

Hola mis amigos!! Was that foto a keeper?

As for our day, it was a NO Mojon día. Doph.

Por que? Porque the lil’amigo decided that 445am was what time he would wake up…and stay awake. Oh Max. But he IS just a lil’guy!!

Madre tried all the tricks in the book (we might ask for a refund on that book) and at 630am padre took over.

Max was wide awake, so no need to try and get him back to sleep…so off to the AM runtina. First up, some plátanos so he has some food in his belly. That keeps him tranquilo while I shake the cobwebs out of mi cabeza and also prepare the rest of his desayunos.

A good breakfast and then it was walk time. The goal was to keep him awake until 930am or so because that way we could get him to have a long siesta and not need an afternoon nap, which just screws up his nighttime bedtime. What a vicious cycle if you do not get it correct!!

A good walk and wow was it a quiet domingo por la mañana, Sunday morning. So we had the centro to ourselves and that was good as now a days Max walks almost the complete distance himself and today there were less peeps to avoid.

Home right on schedule, leche time con madre and then the Whisperer took over. I was pooped as well and I enjoyed some good zzzz during the 3 hours the lil’guy napped!!

Up at 1pm…1pm? Yup. Too late for Mojon as we would have left at 130pm, there by 2pm and headed back home at 4pm. Too bad but not a crisis, as living here affords us the luxury of postponing a visit to the playa.

After la comida, Max y madre went out for a walk and I puttered around the condo. I am starting to write down all the deets of the day Max was born, so I took some time to start jotting down the notes.

When the familia came home, time for a road trip and some papas frances. Not a very good experience and I think it was our last. Too bad as it had promise, but poor service and today the fries were bad so they couldn’t even make it worth putting up with the service. Adios.

Off to Che for a quick pit stop and then home for some alberca time and then la cena and the PM rutina.

Currently 645pm and we are ahead of schedule and madre is already working on getting the lil’man to sleep!!


This is outside the restaurante across from the CP gates. It was cerrado, but Max was intent at looking for the banderas that are hung up inside.

I think he has spotted them!!

And this is the look of a disappointed lil'man who wished the restaurante was open so that he could go in and be close to the banderas.

In the future, I suspect our casa will be spotless!!

The servers at Los Portales always say hola to the lil'man and stop to admire him.

A quiet zocalo...perfect for a lil'hombre to stop and smell some flores.

Mañana? If all goes well with Max’s sleep, off to Pochutla and their lunes tiangus, and then on to Puerto. In Pochutla we will be looking for some more shirts for Max as well as a new pair of Mexican Crocs as he blew a tread today.

In Puerto…la comida and a stop at the bigger Che to see what they might have in stock that our little town does not have.

Have a great lunes!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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