miercoles, el 23 de enero de 2013

Buenos noches!!

Wow, what a late night. Almost 11pm and I just came home from my 8pm cita con Dr Carillo, our family doctor.

Today I had blood work and un ultrasonido completed. No gall stones found, but do have 6 cysts on my liver. Nice...a new issue.

Doc C does not believe the cysts are related to my pain and called a few doctors in DF to confer about my symptoms, and they all concurred immediately...they think it is pancreatitis.

Problem is that this is normally brought on by being gordo, a boozer or eating a ton of greasy food. What? 12 years working at McD's and I did not have this issue...why now? ja ja ja

So not having any of the precursors makes this a little harder to diagnose. That and the specialists I need to see, and the ones Doc C knows, are all in DF, Mexico City. Road trip!!

As for the cysts...I might have been born with them...who knows? But after some tests in DF and then a consultario with a specialist, I should know about the pancreas and the liver. Stay tuned.

Hey, while in DF maybe I can apply for new pasaporte for Max and myself. The Canadian consulate in DF is the only place in Mexico that can issue us new ones. Mine expires in mayo and Max's in noviembre. Stay tuned.

Ok...off to sleep.

Max is GREAT, as is madre!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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