viernes, el 19 de octubre de 2012

Buenos noches mis amigos!!

845pm and the day is rapidly coming to a close. Max is asleep, Baker Bex is busy working on a cake and padre is updating the blog while keeping one ojo on the news and one on Max’s monitor.

A good’ish day. The lil’hombre was sporting his 3rd fat lip…doph. Within minutes of being set free in the party palace, he was running around and clunk.

When I took him out for his walk, the team at Beto’s wanted to know what happened, and then showed me a niño from one of the hombres there…fat lip as well. Oh niños!!

And what will Max be sporting mañana? A pretty large golpe above his eye. Oh Max…he clunked into something this afternoon and within 15 minutes he was looking like Rocky…in the fight that Rocky won vs the frigging Soviet!! Ja ja ja

So we continue to keep our ojo on him, and he keeps on managing to bump into things. Welcome to our day!!

As well, oh there is more, we had to take him to the doctor for a little looky loo at his you know what. A little something something going on down there and after much wincing (me, not Max), Max was fixed up and off we went.

No fun for the lil’guy and the lil’guy’s lil’guy…should be all better by lunes. Too much information? My blog is like Playboy magazine, more then ½ the peeps are only here to look at the pictures anyway.

As for the rest of the día…normal wake up time, normal breakfast…Bex scored on some oh so yummy blueberries, a fun walk and home for a siesta.

Not the longest siestas lately…we need to keep an eye on that as naps for niños (y padres) are muy importante!!

The fun walk? Max walks the block where Gabriels is located and says hola to all the peeps in the 2 tiendas and 3 restaurantes. And not a day seems to go by without peeps asking us if Max’s hair color is natural (huh?) and then being impressed with not only his size, but with the fact he is walking solito.

After the nap it was doctor time and after that we had a nice lunch at our amigo Max’s restaurante. Our Max was well behaved and after some patrolling, he settled down and wolfed back some of our sandwich and home potatoes.

Max y madre hung out for the afternoon, padre hit el gimnasio and then came home to make the chili para la cena.

Tranquilo time…we hit the alberca vs the playa. Max was happy either way and it made the pm rutina less go go go.

And that pretty much sums up the day.


There was a FT with mis padres and Max showed off his walking skills to his abuelos.

DHL came and went…we were at the alberca. But I called and confirmed they are open mañana and Max and I will go and pick up his regalos!!

If you have ever watched the TV program House Hunters International, they have shot an episode here in Huatulco. The screen shot below shows you the date and time of the episode. Click on the image for a bigger picture.

Mañana? We might hit up the dulceria (candy store) as look into all the things we need for the fiesta. These tiendas carry plastic cups, plates etc. I would like some cumpleaños themed items, but other then some globos (balloons), I have not seen much. Doph.

As well, el gimnasio and Che for some weekend needs. Hamburger sábado y lunes and throw in some lomo cerdo for domingo!!

The race is on domingo…don’t call after media día!! Ja ja ja

Fotos for the day…sparse. Tough to carry the camera and keep ojo on the little guy.

Prior to our morning walk, Max was checking if the bolts to the roof access ladder were secure.

All good...phew.

Big gate and lock? No problem for the lil'Houdini aka Elmo.

Dos hombres selling tarps...headed back to the mother ship. that a word?

I have never noticed the painting on this banco, located in the parque where the well lubricated consumers of bebidas go to sleep it off.

Buen fin de semana y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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