martes, el 2 de octubre de 2012

Buenos noches.

A quiet day here. Max has not found his inner voice, nor has he discovered the volume knob. Yikes. If he wants your attention, he yells. If he is not happy with something, he yells. If he is happy about something, he smiles and then yells.

Good news? Most often this does not happen when he is out. Rough news? He might be waking up everyone at Condos Pacifico. Doph. It is LOUD at 7am…ahhh, we weren’t amigos with most of these peeps anyway!! Ja ja ja

First foto of the day.

We have read that if you put some “stations” in your room, the niño will attempt to walk from one to the other.

Great, let’s try that.

Ja ja ja

So, always at least one eye on the lil’monkey at all times!!

Usual morning rutina…except the day we wake up at 630am again…we have a 35 minute nap. Huh?

Madre took over, but she too was pooped…what a trooper!! Padre? Nap time and then el gimnasio, Che and then we all went to the playa.

Madre needed a swim and Max was GLUED to the steering wheel, so we sent Bexico off to ensure there were no tiburon in the oceano!!

Me and Speedy hung out for a while, turned everything on and off a few times, and then the lil’walker, holding both my hands, walked the 5 minutes to the playa!! Soon…solito!!!

Who did we see at the playa? When we first moved here, the boss at INM was Sandra and she helped us with the FM3’s and all the translations.

When our renewal time came, she was gone, off to Oaxaca. Well, as Max was pounding on the INM office window, we saw Sandra.

Our other INM amiga came out to say hola to Max (and smoother him with besos), and Sandra came out too. We reintroduced ourselves, and Max as well, and she remembered us.

She seemed pleasantly pleased with our level of español, but was really excited about Max. Duh!! And who wanted a foto? Ja ja ja

So now we have at least 2 “in’s” at the INM…and that doesn’t include the ones that carry armas!! Ja ja ja

It was time to go and our niño was being held captive in the INM oficina…all good.

We did retrieve our hijo, no worse for wear, and it was time to head home and start the pm rutina. Max was tired from only having one good nap (con madre) and due to all the walking, but he was in pretty good spirits and we survived la cena!!

Currently 930pm, you know who is asleep, madre is making up some more apple cubes for the lil’guy and I am trying to keep you interested in our lives. Ja ja ja

Rest of the fotos.

Another $10 pesos!!

This senora and her esposo, both love Max and always have time to say hola and catch up. Today I unslung him to show them his cruising skills, but he didn't get far before the lil'cutie was scooped up.

A Mexican family all dressed up. It looked like they were on vacation and while in the zocalo, were eating some desyaunos con Coke.

Speed crawl. He usually avoids his knees now...walking is coming soon!!

Max and some jugetes from his amiga.

Mañana I must remember to bring some of Max's toys for her to play with!!


I know you were all waiting…so here are the temperature stats for the mes de septiembre.

We averaged highs of 32,2 vs 31,9 last year. And for the lows, we averaged 26,8 vs 25,9 last year. So, almost the same highs as last year, but much warmer evenings. We are getting our electric bill soon, so we will see how the a/c impacted us!!

We have no data from octubre 2011, as we were in Vancouver. But from 2010 we had highs of 32,3 and lows of 24,8. The humid days are over and as the nights are getting cooler, we will be using the a/c less and less.

Ok…mañana? Stay tuned!!

Have a great miercoles!!

Bubba, Bexico y Max

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