lunes, el 29 de octubre de 2012

Ok…how was your lunes?

Ours? Crazy día. Not your normal day here…Max was just not himself for most of the día, and that made the day challenging.

We are not complaining, just sharing the facts.

Max’s facial scrapes are healing nicely…boy does he look like a tough guy with those scrapes.

And how are his new injuries? What new injuries you ask? Grab a seat and keep reading.

Ok…first off Max wakes up at 5am and won’t fall asleep. So the boys hit the other bedroom and we managed to grab some shut eye until around 615am. Yikes.

And was there a chance of some slumber, some laying around until the cob webs were shaken out? Aaaaah, no. So we were up and started the AM rutina.

Tough to figure out how we were going to go about it as it was so early. He normally eats at 815am, but would I need to fee him earlier etc.

But first off, Max heads into the cuna for his normal 15-20 minutes while padre does his thing and gets the Party Palace gates set up.

All was well until I heard “thunk” and see the lil’guy laying on the carpet, face up.

What the “F”? I bolt over and pick him up, soothe him for the 30 seconds it takes to get him happy again, and off we go.

So what the heck is up with the crib? How can we allow him to sleep in that at night if he can get out? I am going to have to figure it out and it looks like adding another rail to the top, will be the solution.

Ok, disaster averted for now…what’s next?

Time to change the panale and what do I see on Max’s index finger? Uh, he is missing his fingerprints on one finger!! He has lobbed off a dime size piece of skin…yikes.

How he lost it? Thinking when he bungeed out of the cuna, but I am not sure.

So time for bandaids and now he is really not having a great day. Tired, sore from yesterday, sore from today and now he cannot use one finger.

We tried to have breakfast early, but he was having none of it. Out of the highchair and time to get ready for a walk instead.

The tone of his voice woke madre up and now the familia was all out. Three tired peeps trying to figure out what was going on.

The plan was a walk and madre hit the sack. And as I tried to get the lil’guy ready for a walk, he told his padre it wasn’t going to happen.

Ok, fine with me as I was pooped already. But it was only 9am…who has a nap at 9am? The Van boys do!!

And it was a rock solid 90 minute siesta!! The familia seemed to all wake up at 1030am and we chatted it up and the walk plan was back in action.

Max and I headed out and I carried him most of the way on my shoulders…I just didn’t need any spills!!

We had a nice pit stop at one of the escuelas. There niños were all looking at libros hanging on a string strung between trees, and Max was eager to watch them.

The maestra came out and decided to chat us up and after that, we had a small crowd gathered around.

And Max was the center of attention again…vida es buena!!

As for the rest of the walk…how many times does one padre have to tell the story of why his hijo looks like he is a stunt man? Yikes…maybe 10 times?

A good time at the kiosko and then got the gears from the crew at Gabriels, before heading home.

Madre took over and oooooooo Max was a handful while padre was away. No pleasing the little guy. Yikes.

I was at the gym, grabbed some GB for la cena and had a pow wow with Roman. Then it was home to give Bex a breather.

Breather? Off to the pool where Max LOVES to play with any spiders or beetles he can find. And then there was the talking up the storm and prowling the poolside…all while making giggling sounds.

Poco loco…but we love him!!

Madre came down to help get the lil’dguy diapered up and then it was time for an early dinner and an early PM rutina. And I must stop there…as I will NOT jinx Max’s sleep!!

Fotos…lean day. Why? Did you read the blog? is Max y Kow. Kow came all the way from Vancouver with us and had been upstairs in the loft. Max y madre hung out in the loft and Max became GOOD friends with Kow.

It got to the point that we could ask Max "where's Kow?" and Max would point up to the niño.

So we bring Kow downstairs to see if this will brighten up young Max's day and it did. The funny thing is that when Max knocks Kow over, Max thinks he has hurt Kow. Max gets a little sad and sometimes gives Kow the "head touch"...Max's affectionate kiss.

In the first foto, Max has knocked Kow over and is deciding the next course of action.

The action happens to be inspecting Kow's tail while he is sleeping. Oh Max.

One tienda de bicis here in shipment has arrived.

Mañana…sleep in…please? Working on Mojon internet and the fiesta…busy day!!

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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