lunes, el 22 de octubre de 2012

Brrrr…looks like it is getting colder back in Canada. We too are bundling up as it was in the low 26’s last night. Soon the guys at our gate will be donning their winter coats!!

Hola and welcome to our lunes.

First off…a belated Feliz Cumpleaños to mi amigo Senor Secord. Sorry I missed it ayer…doph.

Tranquilo día…and it started early!!

5am I bundled up the lil’toss and turner and we left the recamara so madre could finally get some zzzz. Max and I managed some shut eye, but at 630am via some kicks to the ribs and some Max babbling, it was “get up you old fart” time.

Slooooow at that time of the morning, but we had a good rutina and during our walk, we handed out a few more invitacions to Max’s fiesta.

Max LOVES walking and saying hola to his lil’amigas. As for the bigger amigos, today he was a little stand off’ish…say hola to me, give me a beso if you feel you must, but DO NOT pick me up while I am on a prowl!!

And it was “no bloody lip lunes” here!! He made it through the day without any new scratches or bruises. Ok, he had a small “bump” while in the alberca, but after an hour the mark was gone. Doph.

How is padre’s gripe, his cold? I took some meds last night and even though I was pooped at 630am, the cold was almost gone.

And after a 40 minute nap session con mi hijo, I took another 90 minutes for myself and felt pretty good upon waking. Not so happy that is was almost 2pm though…oh Marco.

Off to el gimnasio and on the way I was passed by Hector in his carro. I was in the camioneta so I caught up to him at his casa and invited him to the fiesta. I have not seen him at the gym for a few months and he tells me he is off the sauce for a year and has been 3 months sin chelas…no beers.

He looks good and I am sure being dry has saved his marriage. He will come to the shin dig and we have enough non-alc bebidas for him and all the others that do not drink.

After el gimnasio, off to Nissan to show Carlos the Istmos fotos. He liked them a lot and wants copies. He too will be at the fiesta…no non-alc bebidas for him!! Ja ja ja

Then off to Che…no leche this week and when I came home, I was greeted by the familia headed to the alberca.

I guess the lil’guy had a good nap, but not a long one and the call was to stay close to the condo (vs del mar), so we could get the PM rutina started early.

I unloaded the goods and did some pre-rutina set up and then joined the familia. The lil’guy really loves the alberca and that will make swim lessons that much easier when the time comes. It will also help with the bigger olas that can be found at Mojon. If he wants to, the lil’guy will be able to surf every day!!

Good eats, good rutina and at 930pm, Bexico is up in the oficina, Max is lights out (knock on wood) and padre is typing and keeping one ojo on the NFL game and the other on the monitor.

Just back from finding the lil’guys soother…always under him. Ja ja ja

Our martes? I am hoping we knock a few items off the fiesta to-do list!! And the playa is calling us too!!

Misc…sent a few emails to some satellite internet companies, both based in Canada. Waaaay easier then the Hughes sites I have seen…and muy barato vs them as well.

Hey, the Shaw dish works here, why not some Cdn satellite internet? Stay tuned. Bad sign? Just checked email and after 24 hours, no response from either company? Come on guys...where is the customer service?

Thank goodness my partner took some fotos today, or else it would have been no foto lunes!!

But what did I find? Is this what happens while padre is at el gimnasio?

So Max drops his gear in the living room?

Takes the dirty clothes to the bodega and after they are washed, loads them into the secadora?

And then heads back into the living room, to be one with nature? 

Oh madre!! Ja ja ja

Have a great martes.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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