viernes, el 7 de marzo de 2014

Buenos noches...and here are the AM prowl fotos.

It was a quick prowl...pick off some fresh limons for the fajitas, off to Poopie Loopie (Max hypnotized by the plant) to grab the pollo and then we stopped into the tienda de fruta y verdura for the cebolla y pimiento rojo.

As for the día...there is early, way early and then stupid early. Guess which one 445am is?

Poppa took over at 645am, so Bex could get some well deserved sleep. Usual rutina for the boys, tranquilo time, huge desayunos, the quick prowl and then off to Pemex y Sorianas. The goal was to be home by 10am, due to the early wake up, and we made it back at 1010am.

Leche, a long siesta and then off to the afternoon rutinas. Me? Comida, a futile search for a digital alarm clock, and then off to el gimnasio.

Home for tranquilo time, clean up, cooking of the pollo para mañana, and then onto tonight's cena, chuletas de cerdo.

Post siesta, the familia had their comida and then were off to the playa. A fun afternoon and on the way home, they saw a carnival in Santa Cruz, and after spending their $30 pesos on a juguete, they were the winners of a ceramic Minion...I expect to hear a crash and see tears in less then a week. Doph.

They came home for leche and some tranquilo time and then it was onto la cena. A good dinner, clean up, a super familia dance party, tina time, FT con Oma y Opa and then bedtime.

Bedtime was not the quickest...doph. After 30 minutos con madre and another 30 with The Whisperer, we were headed in the wrong direction...riled up vs sleepy. We do not rock the lil'man, but I scooped him out of the cuna and held him in my arms and he was lights out in 2 minutes!! Five minutes later he was plopped into the cuna, with his last words being "no cuna". Of course.

Some manos and then I was outta there. And...we are on sleep plan #1249...we have set up an alarm clock, set for 6am, and when Max wakes up, we will remind him that he needs to stay in his cuna (hopefully asleep) until the alarm sounds. Wish us luck...and stay tuned!!

And you are now all caught up. A late one...9pm already, but Max is asleep, Bex is hard at work, and I am catching up on the News while plugging away at the blog.

So, onto the fotos. There were no more from me, as we had the short prowl and then were off to Sorianas. But...ayer, Bex took the Canon to the Palacio and took some fotos for us.

I spent 2 hours going through the 470 fotos she took, yikes...kidding, and here are the best of the best. 

A few selfies.

And then making a break for it after scooping up all the avocados, aguacates.

But he left a mano open for the freaky cerdo.


Momma...tea is served.

And if I open the window, what do I see here?

Well hola hola niña!!

Adios madre.

Not sure what happened...but Max is smirking and the niña is running away. Oh Max!!

Look whose back...getting the evil ojo from Max?

Hey Pedro...what are you doing here?

Max loves to dance and play instruments, the guitara in Sorianas being a highlight of our trips there!! Here, he has discovered the xylophone.

Stalker alert.

A duet on the piano.

Without seeing the face, I know this is our hijo.

And ripping up the floor? Our hijo.

Maybe getting a taste of his own medicine?

Max is a forgiving he approaches his arch nemesis Kyler, and his madre.

Last foto of the día.

Misc...and so there I was in Che, looking for an alarm clock, when I decided to pick up the items we did not find at Sorianas. No eggs...all bubbly water leche for Max...doph. So I find all of it at Che, and the huevos were imported. Huh? When did Mexico start importing eggs from the USA? Anywho...just an interesting Huatulco tid bit.

Mañana? Off to Mojon...hola hola to another fun afternoon!!

Buen fin de semana y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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