sábado, el 8 de marzo de 2014

A lot of riding the bici, leads to this!!

Buenos días!! Here is the quick pre-Mojon update.

A great nights sleep with two "manos" wake ups during the noche, a 415am wake up that was quickly turned into another 90 minutos of sleep, and then a final wake up at 540am!!

I reminded Max he was going to stay in the cuna until the alarm clock went beep beep beep, and he lay down for 20 minutes, staring at the clock and saying "clock go beep beep beep" over and over.

Videos from 6am to 7am and then off to tranquilo time, huge desayunos and then the tour. A long ride, a full hour and Max was on the bici for almost the complete time!!

Home for leche y book reading con madre, and then off to sleep for the siesta. When we wake up, time for comida and then off to playa Mojon!!

Onto the fotos.

Let the prowl begin...after the carro behind Poppa drives away.

Max, knowing mañana is Nascar domingo, let's everyone know he is a Jeff Gordon fan.

I asked him to touch the reflector, knowing it would make him think about the curb.

Smart niño...ta-da.

Max went off road, going over and over these concrete parking pads.

More off road...not easy work under the hot sun.

Parental lesson? Be prepared that Max will drop his bici the moment he sees something that excites him. Here it is a piñata in the shape of a pez, fish.

Get the puppies all riled up, and then head for the safety of higher ground.


Making a break for it while the cachorros are distracted.

Note the dirty shoulders? Full roll on the calle...head looking one way and bici going another. Doph...but no tears!! Where was Poppa? Looking out for taxistas!!

From ayer, Max and the minion that Bex y Max won at the carnival.

Max telling madre that they won the juguete because he "is cute". Oh Max!!

Ok, off for some man-snugs. Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! 8pm, Max is lights out, Bex is playing online Scrabble next to me...while debating about whether or not to bake some brownies, and I am plugging away at today's update.

We had a great siesta, quick comida and then onto playa Mojon.

Max was great in the truck, makes life so much nicer!! Sunny afternoon with chico olas when we arrived, but the viento picked up and so did the size of the olas!!

Lots of swimming and olas jumping, and Bex y Max spent a fair chunk of time playing in the sand. The afternoon seemed to whiz by, as the next thing you knew, we were cooking fajitas in the mini-wind storm. Good eats, clean up and then home for the go go go.

The early dinner and early arrival home is a great thing!! Max had his tina and only needed 55 minutos with his padres before lights out.

Onto the Mojon fotos?

Chico olas...that would change.

Lots of playa today!!

Beach was crowded eh?

Due to the storm surges, the hotel suffered some damage during last year's rainy season. This year, they dug down 3 meters in front of the wall, and reinforced it. Now they are adding another layer of protection in front of the stairwells.

Only 2 years ago, the level of the playa went all the way up to the bottom step. Where did all the arena go? Max would say "Pochutla"!! ja ja ja

Change of camera lens as I was headed to the headlands to take some fotos of the surfers. But first, some fotos of Max floating down the beach.

From the headland, I spot the familia headed back to their spot on the playa.

Waiting for some good surf, so here are a few fotos of some construction occurring at Mojon.

They say Huatulco is in the center of 9 bays, but up and down the coast, the actual number is more then 36. This includes Mojon and past these two, would be Barra de la Cruz, a world famous surf beach.

Me and this crab just waiting for the olas to happen.

And then ta-da...olas!!

Time to head back to the familia and we are at the end of the fotos. The rear end of the fotos!! ja ja ja


We might be headed out to the circus again!! With Circo Chino de Pekin in town...who can resist? They have a show mañana at 4pm...stay tuned.

And of course...race domingo!!

Hast mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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