domingo, el 2 de marzo de 2014

Buenos tardes. Tranquilo domingo...the familia has taken Max's bici out for a ride and were going to pit stop at the mall...hola hola to some trampolina time!!

Me? I have the race on and will take this quiet time to upload some fotos and type a few lines.

The día so far? A solid nights sleep, one or two very short wake ups, lots of stirring, and awake in the cuna at 6am. Score!!

Videos, man snugs and then onto the usual AM rutina. Tranquilo time, desayunos, prowl (hot) and then home for leche and a good siesta.

Comida for all, some book reading with Max in my lap, and then adios Poppa. So...onto the fotos.

Today's prowl outfit brought to you by the lil'man, rubbing some sleep out of his ojos.

A little pre-prowl posing.

And when a loud taxi pulled in next door...look who came running while anxiously calling out "Poppa!!".

Still looking a little frayed, Max takes a pit stop.

And then another pit stop.

We had crossed the calle and was headed to the iglesia, and max was lingering with a poste. I told him I was going ahead and would wait for "manos". I walked to the corner, turned around and witnessed Max having a long conversation with a senora on the banco.

She is smiling as he left, I am sure she enjoyed meeting The Mayor.

Poppa was a-ok with Max giving el Gato un abrazo...not so much when he was ready to climb on it's back and told me "caballo" Oh Max!!

Off to watch more racing and hopefully join the familia for a dip in the alberca before la cena. I will finish this off esta noche.

Hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! 645pm and tina time is almost up...and then onto bedtime.

The familia had a great afternoon racing around town on Max's bici, with a pit stop at the papeleria to buy some pintura for Max y madre's painting sessions.

Then they came home for familia swim and then some tranquilo time while we waited for the papas al horno to finish baking. Throw them on a plato con un rib eye steak...delicious!!

Clean up, dance party, tina time and a quick FT con Oma y Opa...and that was the day.

Misc...the little man makes me smile so often!! And one of the things that makes me smile is the fact that he does not mind breaking the rules, but he hates it if you show disappointment. That makes him very sad and upset.

Today he did 2 things that he was not supposed to, and when I made sure he knew he wasn't supposed to drag the Mac power cable around the living room, and then during desayunos he was not supposed to shine the super bright flashlight in my ojos...the bottom lip started trembling and then the tears flowed.

The smile is for the fact that he wants to impress, not disappoint...not for the fact that he gets upset!! Or the fact that it takes 10 minutes (times 2) to get him calmed down and happy again...doph. Lots of abrazos and "Poppa loves you"!!

Hey...clocks in Canada spring forward next week? We won't be doing that until April 6, so mark it down, as until then, we will be one hour ahead of BC and 2 hours behind Ontario. to get the lil'guy into lala land.

Have a great lunes y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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