lunes, el 17 de marzo de 2014

Happy St Patrick's Day!!

More on Max and his carretilla, later.

Buenos noches!! Well, the lil'leprechaun was up to his old tricks...a 5am wake up and he did not go back to sleep. Oh Max. He LOVES his Momma and when he realizes she s on guard duty...odds are that he will not go back to sleep.

Poppa took over at 7am...waking Bex up and sending her back to sleep in the big bed. The boys had their usual rutina, tranqulo time, huge desayunos and then a prowl. Great prowl with the highlight being Casa Pepe's and the wheelbarrow.

We wheeled it through town and so many peeps mentioned it as we walked by. Hello!!

Home for leche and then a long siesta, followed by comida for all. I was then off to el gimnasio and home to putter, clean up and cook la cena.

The familia headed off to the playa for a fun filled afternoon, then were home in time for some leche before dinner.

Good eats, easy clean up, a dance party, tina time, FT con Oma y Opa and then off to bedtime. The Whisperer needs to take over in 10 minutos, so onto the fotos.

Pre-AM prowl and Max is all dressed and waiting for his Poppa to apply the suntan lotion.


Hola hola Hector.

Let the prowl begin.

Max checking out a poster of his favorite Mexican band, Exterminador, playing in Santa Maria de Huatulco.

A niño and a stick...there goes another 10 minutos.

Having pit stopped at Pepe's, just to look around, Max pulled out this carretilla. It was dirty and a little scraped, but he liked it. So we took it to the caja to find out the price and while waiting, Max wheeled the thing out the door. Oh Max!!

Having paid $240 pesos, $21 Cdn, off we went. It took Max some time to learn how to steer, but now I have someone to carry my mochilla for me!!

Out with the knapsack, and here Max is eyeing up some hojas to pick up. When we put a piece of cement into the wheelbarrow, his ojos lit up...very excited!!

There is always time for an agua pitstop.

Max walks in from his afternoon con madre, and promptly tells me he is wearing his ginchies, because he "fell in the mud". Then he asked for his leche.

Underwear model material!!

This is normal for our casa...pre-cena wheelbarrow practice.

Having set up the mesa y sillas para la cena, Max wonders what is taking his padres so long. Oh Max.

Ok...I am back from lulling the lil'man into sleep. And how did it go? I needed my full 30 minutos, with the first 5 spent getting Max to lay still...relax I kept saying. And then there was 20 minutos of singing...I bored him to sleep singing his ABC's over and over and over. Score!!

So, at 815pm, I am typing away, Bex has had her night swim and is now hard at work in the oficina, and Max is dreaming about what next he will carry around in his new wheelbarrow!!

Mañana? Che martes and all of our other usual rutinas.

Have a great día y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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