miercoles, el 12 de marzo de 2014

Ahhhh yes. The look of a niño that woke up at....440am. Oh Max.

Buenos días!! Max is sleeping...siesta time!! Time for Poppa to jot down a few notes, pre-Mojon, and get a jump on the noche's rutina.

Yup, he was up early...Bex managed to get him to stay in his cuna for a while, but it was videos at 6am and Poppa took over at 645am. Back to sleep for Bex and then Poppa tried to keep Max from destroying the casa. Yikes.

The 445am wake up makes him a handful and he was into trying to rip pages out of books, and throwing things around the living room. Ahhhhh....no!!

It was NOT tranquilo time, but we made it into desayunos time and after his fruta, he wanted out of the cocina. Huh? He roamed the Palacio and he did not even want to cook pan frances with me. But...he was hungry and pit stopped into the cocina to get another mouthful, before heading back into the Palacio.

He managed to have a good desayunos, and I managed to bring him back into the cocina to eat some yogurt, Gerber prunes and then brush his teeth. Quite the challenge to keep him tranquilo while I was cleaning up, but ta-da...it was soon time for the bici ride.

He LOVES the bici, and cleaning up the blocks (toys) becomes much easier when he knows we are not headed out until the toys are all cleaned up!!

Off for the tour and all was good until he heard his first loud moto, and he calls out "Momma". Crossing calles can be a challenge...only because he wants to stop 1/2 way to look for cars. Uhhhh Max, there are no cars coming, but if you stop here any longer, soon there will be cars!!

Onto our first tienda and they were doing some drilling into the ceiling. Max did not like the noise and hung close to me. Very close to me. It took 6 minutes to get a bulb and pay, and Max was ok for 5.5 of those minutos. And then he became very upset with the noise.

I grabbed all of our gear and got him out of there asap and into abrazo mode. One minute later, and after a "too loud" from Max, all was good.

Hola hola to the gallos and then onto Pepe's, to find a 40 watt vs 25 watt bulb. Helmet off and time to do a little hardware store prowling before gearing back up and heading home.

Leche and then book reading, and after 45 minutos or so, Max was lights out and here we are!!

So, onto the AM tour fotos.

Today's touring outfit.

Let the tour begin. We were on a mission to go buy a new foca for the fridge.

With wheels, it does not take long to get a head of you.

Sometimes Max will not stop when you call...but Max will always stop to watch a Gas Oaxaca camion.

And then he is listo, ready to go again.

Off roading and Max stoops down to pick up a semilla, that he will bring over and give to his Poppa, as un regalo.

Max waiting so we can cross the calle together. Based on his expression, he is not too excited about this.

Click to enlarge and see the fuerte besito Max gives to the gallo.

That's all for now. I will finish this off esta noche. Hasta pronto mis amigos!!

Buenos noches!! Currently 8pm and we made it home safe and sound after a great afternoon at playa Mojon!! Max is lights out, after a quick bedtime, Bex is ready to hit the oficina, and I have my ojos on the News as well as the lil'man.

We had a great siesta, chowed down our comida and were on our way. Max was in good spirits in the camioneta, but he did want to get out of the car asap. Not a fan of the car seat...doph.

A mixed bag of sun and clouds, and a nice breeze, so we had perfect weather for the afternoon. The usual rutina...madre starts digging holes in the sand, I get myself organized and come down and join the familia...and then Max runs into the oceano singing "jumping in the olas, jumping in the olas". Score!!!

And after a couple of hours of playing in the sand, the olas and prowling around looking for a bonfire, it was time for dinner. Is it me, or do burgers grilled on the playa just taste that much better?

Max ate his complete burger y mas...score!! Then it was clean up, we headed home and then onto the post Mojon go go go rutina. I cleaned up, Bex took care of Max and ta da...that was our day.

Misc...thrilled that I get to see so much of Max's development, and today I was excited in sharing with Max, the first time his hand was asleep. He woke up from his nap and could not figure out why his mano felt so different then usual. I was smiling and laughing as I explained it, and he was shaking it, rubbing it and telling me it was "smooth". Hilarious!!

Mañana? Back to a normal rutina...looking forward to a fun morning with the lil'man...maybe a bici ride and a swim!!

Have a great Thursday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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