jueves, el 13 de marzo de 2014

Max, very concerned that he slept in until 605am!!

Buenos noches and yes, you read that correctly...a 605am sleep in!! We had a great noche with 2 "manos", a 445am wake up, 5 minutes in Poppa's arms and then the boys slept in until 605am.

Max wanted videos, but there was no beep beep beep yet, so his options were the recamara o cuna, and he choose the cuna, with Hippo the nightlight of course.

615am...beep beep beep and the lil'climber has clambered out of his cuna and is letting me know what time it was!!

Videos, tranquilo time, desayunos...wacky as half was eaten on the banco and the other half in his high chair, and then off for a quick tour and onto familia swim.

Good swim and Max has mastered the cannonball jump into the alberca. Waaaay easier on him then the "belly slop" as he called it today. Ja ja ja

Upstairs for books and leche and when it was time for siesta...he was lights out!! Good work Bex!!

Even though we had a great nights sleep, Max must have been pooped from the bici ride and the familia pool time, as he slept almost 2.5 hours!!

Usual post-siesta rutina for Bubba...comida, el gimnasio, back home to putter, clean and then cook la cena.

The familia had their comida and then took Max's bici out for the largest tour it has ever been on!! They left the casa and taking a longer ruta, they made their way to Rosario's Palacio. Straight walking, at least 35 minutos.

Some Palacio time and then they worked their way home, making it all the way to the Pemex before Max had enough, and that meant madre got her work out carrying both the bici and the not so lil'man.

Home for iPad time y leche and then onto la cena. Happy to report that Max ate huge and also stayed in his silla for most of the dinner. Clean up, dance party, tina time, FT con Oma y Opa and at 7pm, round one of bedtime is under way. So...onto the fotos.

From our AM rutina, check out the styling tour y alberca outfit!!

Max gave me this flower and I asked if he minded carrying it for me.

Quick spin around the alberca, where Max spot Marcos.

Saludos...first we lay some skin.

And then choque, collision or as we call it in ingles, knuckles or bumping fists.

Zocalo tour.

Poppa found a banco in the sombra, and a perfect way for Max to burn off some energia...around and around and around!!

Worked up a thirst and after telling Max that he needed to drink slowly because the bottle was full, this is the look I get.

What a muy tonto niño!!

Look Poppa...el Gato!!

Need some lines painted in the taxi parking spots? Four hombres, some rollers y pintura...ta da.

Ok, you are all caught up. Off to close the show and get the lil'man into la la land.

Usual viernes for us...Sorianas and the other usual rutinas. We do have dinner out with our amigos, the owners of G10...hola hola to Los Portales!!

Sábado...Mojon and then of course...there is race domingo!!

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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