domingo, el 16 de marzo de 2014

Hello darlings!!

Wow...look up lazy afternoon in the dictionary, and there might be a description of mine!! Rain delay on the race, then they ran 125 laps and are on rain delay again. Some casa cleaning and time watching the idiot box...hola hola to the pelicula Tropic Thunder, and that kinda sums it up.

The morning? A great sleep in...605am in the cuna!! Max waited out the 10 minutos and when the alarm went, we were onto videos, tranquilo time, huge desayunos, a short tour and then familia swim.

Upstairs for leche, a long siesta and then comida. Poppa helped the lil'dude eat his lunch as he needs the energy for playa time con madre!!

On this super windy afternoon, the familia headed out to the playa, here's hoping the sand was not blowing too hard and that the olas were to Max's liking.

Another hour until I start cooking the chuletas...onto the fotos.

How to get Max to eat a large breakfast...keep it interesting!! Note the flashlight, fry pan, "quiet cloth" and obviously the lentes del sol.

Da plane, da plane.

A little dance move.

Time out for panale wedgie.

Proud Canadian...pero hecho en Mexico!!

Ok, hasta pronto.

Buenos noches!! Bubba is bummed out about the race. It was delayed a 2nd time, and when they started up again, I could not find it on the tube. Doph. Oh well...just a race.

The familia had a great time at the playa...tons of swimming and tons of peeps on the playa. After the cold winter the Chilangos had, time for the peeps to come into Huatulco to warm up and enjoy our playas.

They came home for some leche and only a few minutos of libro time (Max LOVES reading books), and then onto la cena.

Good eats and due to the quick dinner, there was some tiempo de juego, play time. Max y madre hung out with the Lego and when the casa was all cleaned up, it was tina time.

A FT con Oma y Opa and then onto a looooong bedtime, Max couldn't close the show on his own. Quite a few yawns and after 20 minutos of trying, while laying in his was time for Poppa to step in.

I tell the little man "up" and his reply? "I love you Poppa". Up he goes, I scoop him out of the cuna and into my arms and 2 minutes later...lights out. Plopped back into the cuna with a parting word from Max, "hand", and then my job was done.

Ok, you are all caught up. Mañana? Back to our lunes rutinas...maybe a prowl vs a tour...we'll see what the mood dictates.

Have a great día y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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