jueves, el 20 de marzo de 2014

Buenos días!! Currently 11am and the lil'man is lights out...siesta time!! Time to upload some fotos and jot down a few notes...before joining the lil'sleeper for what might be today's third go at man snugs. Score!!

Two rounds of man snugs already? Yup!! There was an unexpected hour from 130am until 230am and then again from 440am until 615am. The 2nd set occurred because when Max wakes up that early and will not go back to sleep in his cuna, we do what we can to get him back to sleep. Today it was 5 minutes in my arms and then plopped into bed.

That led to a successful 615am wake up and then we were onto our rutina...video, tranquilo time, huge desayunos and then onto a quick prowl, followed by a familia swim. Head upstairs for leche and call in The Whisperer to close the show...and ta-da.

Highlight of the short prowl? It is a toss up between finding and buying some great looking rib eyes at Poopie Loopie, or having Max greet both our downstairs neighbor Ron, as well as Roseanne who we met on the calle, with this 2 palabra frase..."big poo". Of course, I made sure Ron thought Max was talking about his madre...oh Bubba!!!

And alberca highlights?

With gafas on, Max y Momma have been practicing touching the sand under the ocean water. And now in the pool, Max is swimming down and touching bottom as well as doing somersaults!! And of course, he has mastered the "belly slop" and now the cannonball!!

Onto the fotos.

It was a quick prowl, but I am always amazed at all the different expressions the camera catches Max making.

Watching a construction worker on the top of a 2 storey building.

Looking at a bandera.

Waiting patiently as two amigas are introduced to each other and then chat it up.

And one of Max's favorite postes.

Ok...hasta pronto!!

Buenos noches!! What a fun day here in Huatulco!! Max and I had a great siesta, a full 2 hours for the lil'man and I managed at least 45 minutos myself...score!!

Usual post siesta rutinas...comida and then I was off to el gimnasio for a 3 litro work out. It was a hot afternoon. Post gimnasio, I pit stopped at a taller, a shoe repair shop, to pick up my running shoe that was getting it's heal re-glued on...for the grand sum of $30 pesos.

I walk in to this tiny shop and the hombre says to me..."Max?". I tell him the shoe was left under Marco and he says to me "no, your son, the one that rides the bici around town, his name is Max?". Of course he asked (I had only met him when I dropped off the shoe on martes), and of course it was Max!!

Home to putter, clean and then cook off the pollo for tonight's quesadillas.

The familia surprised me at el gimnasio...and made my day!! There are 2 palacios that Max y Bex go to, and today they were headed to the one called Rosario's, but instead, headed to the one that used to be managed by the twins madre.

Why the change in plans? Max wanted to stop by el gimnasio and say hola to his Poppa!! And with Rosario's Palacio in the opposite direction of the gym, there was a change of plans.

Max rode his bici the whole way there...with Bex running behind!! When they arrived, I hoisted Max into the gym and he took a bici tour. And then off they went, with Max blowing me kisses and hugs, and telling me that he loved me. Score!!

As for the palacio...it was cerrado. Doph. So the familia took a taxi to Rosario's Palacio and after some fun time there and in the field across the calle, Max jumped back on his bici and rode the whole way home. That has to be almost 2 hours biking around town...someone should sleep well tonight!! And Max probably will too....ja ja ja.

Home for leche, some iPad time and then onto helping Poppa cook la cena. That was fun as Max loves cooking and the moment I gave hm the choice of cooking or iPad, off went the iPad!!

We cooked, we served, we sat down...and then the wheels fell off the bus. Doph!!

You know those niños, that when they are exhausted, fall asleep in their parents arms, or laying on the couch, or sitting in their chair? We DO NOT have one of those niños!! We wouldn't change a thing about Max, but wow...what a handful tonight!!

We will spare you the long version, but there were tears and a timeout, and that was just me. Ja ja ja

We figure he is exhausted from 2 hours of bici and and hour of Palacio time...and instead of winding down, he was winding himself up.

So...off to tina early, into bed early and then a quick FT con Oma y Opa. Bedtime was quite easy...phew. After Bex's 30 minutos, The Whisperer went in and only needed 25 minutes to close the show. Most of that time was spent with Max's hand resting on my cheek (something new he has started) and me continuing to remind Max to close his ojos.

So, at 9pm, Bex is hard at work in her oficina, Max is dreaming about the saddle sores from 2 hours of bici riding, and I type away while watching the News.

Mañana? Sorianas viernes and the rest of our usual rutinas. We also need to buy a new floor fan...one went ka-put and you cannot sleep without one!!

You are all caught up. Have a great Friday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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