sábado, el 22 de marzo de 2014

Casco slippage.

Buenos días. A short update on our morning, before grabbing some siesta time and then heading out to playa Mojon.

A wacky sleep night, no more then usual...just regular wacky!! Poppa took over at 645am and was intrigued while watching Hector arrive for work.

Like a niño and their regalos on Christmas morning, Hector looked pretty excited about the coco that overnight, had fallen from the palma. Like shaking a regalo, Hector gave it a good shake, listening for the leche and then with a smile on his face, walked off with his treat.

The boys had their usual morning and Max must have been hambre!! Huge desayunos and then we were off for a good tour. I gotta say...it was stinking hot already and it was only 9am!! I planned our route to stay in the sombra as much as possible, and to end up in the parque, where we could sit in the shade.

A nice ride, Max is getting very comfortable on the bici, many times lifting his feet off the ground and just wheeling down the sidewalks.

We pit stopped at the panificadora and as we exited, we saw madre walking down the sidewalk, camarones in hand. A big smile on the lil'man's face, as he LOVES his Momma!!

Home for lots of leche and siesta time...and that was the morning. Onto to the fotos!!

Listo for the AM tour.

Today's touring outfit.

Down the rampa, and off we go.

Stopping at the linea before the rampa!! Score!!

And proudly showing his Poppa that he did NOT get ht by the taxi!!

Max, circling his prey.

Max looks disappointed in the very anti-climatic result.

Pit stop to listen to some musica, y say hola hola to Tío Betto, who always wears a striped playera.

Ok, off for some man snugs and then off to playa Mojon. See you tonight.

Buenos noches!! 8pm and 30,4 grados, plus at least 5,0 due to humido. Hot season is coming!!

Via the Photo Booth ap...oh yes, there were some man snugs!!

A great siesta and then off to Mojon. Max was super well behaved in the camioneta and we had a great time playing in the sand and jumping in the olas. Super hot, so much so that we brought the beach sombrilla down to the playa so that the sand castle competition could be conducted in the shade.

Great dinner...camarones y arroz. Clean up, into the camioneta and then we started home. We made it 1 minute up the 2km dirt road that leads to the highway, when we came upon an older looking Mexicano and what might have been his hija...or a very young date. Kidding!!

As is our costumbre, custom, we ask where they are going, and if it is to the highway (usually onto Copalita), we offer them a lift to the highway. The camioneta is always full, so I offer them the side bars and the roof rack, and no one has ever said no....it saves them at least 20 minutos of an uphill walk in 30, 0 plus grado heat!!

So they climb on, I drive slowly and Max gives his madre the "huh?" look. She tells him that we have an amigo y amiga hanging on, and later on when we are almost home, Max asks where the amigos went!! ja ja ja

We would drive them all the way to Copalita, which is on our way home, but I am not having 2 peeps hang on to the outside of the camioneta while we bomb down the highway!!

We dropped them off at the top of the dirt road and off we went. Home in 30 minutos and then the go go go of a post Mojon afternoon. Max was in bedtime mode by 7pm and I came in at 730pm. He was a little restless tonight, and I was not in the mood for a 40-45 minute session, so I told him I was going to help him fall asleep...but just tonight.

I grabbed him in my arms, asked if he wanted a song (of course the answer is yes), reminded him he needed to close his ojos if he wanted me to sing, and then proceeded to sing a silly made up song. Ten minutes later he was plopped into his cuna, lights out. Score!!

Currently 815pm and 2 loads of wash are on the go, hey...I am the amor de casa!! Bex is doing some laps in the alberca, Max is dreaming about the silly song I sang him, and I type away.


Ok, you might have read about the spirit/ghost we think resides here. Ready for the latest incident? Last night as I was getting ready to take over bedtime duty from Max, I had taken my shower upstairs and as I entered the sala, living room, I heard a voice. It was Max's computer talking, coming from upstairs.

I took over from Bex and told her that Max's computer was on and talking, so she would go and turn it off. She left the boys in the bedroom, went upstairs and was about to turn the computer off, when it said  "goodbye" and turned itself off. Hmmmmm?

During her swim, she saw Marcos y familia and told them about our spirit, and these peeps seemed to have the answer. Holy water by every door and it will guide the spirit out. Stay tuned.

You are all caught up.

Mañana? Sleep in? ja ja ja

It is race domingo!!

Have a great Sunday y hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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