viernes, el 11 de octubre de 2013

This is what the top of the head of a niño looks that fell asleep before 8pm, slept in his cuna the whole night, only woke up twice, did not need any singing or rocking to fall back asleep...and was awake at 515am.

We take that as a success!!

Buenos noches y Feliz Cumpleaños to mi hermano!!

Another sunny day and it was another full day. 

Usual rutinas all around, and throw in a Che run, where Max has another following. The checkout peeps, baggers and of course all the peeps in the dairy department.

No scores, but we are loaded up for the weekend.

We squeezed in the prowl, desayunos and the Che run, and then it was off for leche y siesta. And does our hijo love his leche via the bottle? Can you say 2 bottles during wake up and another 2 plus bottles pre-siesta.

And maybe that helps him sleep, as his siesta was almost 3 hours!! And I think Poppa shared at least 2 hours of it!!

Post siesta, Bubba headed out to the gym and the familia had a swim, ate their comida and then headed out for some playa time. And it was HOT out, so some time in del mar was welcomed.

Back home, Poppa cooked up a storm, pollo y chorizo pasta, and then after leche time for the lil'man, it was time for dinner.

Good eats, tina time, FT con O y O and then off to bed. Fairly easy bed time, but still 50 minutos to get the lil'guy asleep.

Currently 915pm, Max is lights out, Bex is back from some late night shopping and as Bubba types away, he has one ojo on the News and another on the monitor.

Onto the fotos.

It was an early prowl, and el sol is just making it's appearance.

And Max was back into his search for placas.

Max loves this new pit stop area, and we spent some 15 minutes here.

This is the owner of one of the main tiendas de fruta y verdura. He has always been super friendly to all of us, but especially Max. This was my best chance at getting both of them in the same foto.

Note the flowers...given to Max by a super friendly abuela that sells flowers from a spot right on the sidewalk.

This support wire used to scare the little more!!

I was headed out to el gimnasio and stopped in at the alberca to say hola hola to mi familia. They were all done and were headed back to the condo, so I snapped this foto. Notice anything unique?

I cropped the foto and here is what I spotted.

Max walks on air? Tele-kinetic?

Follow that with a few disco moves!!

Not many of us can make this panale look work.

On the way to el gimnasio and I spotted these trabajadores hard at work...painting the curbs by hand. It must be close to tourist season!!

More pintura and their mochillas.

I rounded a corner and smelled a wood fire. I traced it to this construction site.

A little home cooking? Quite possibly huevos?

Poco looks like this thing is hanging on by a wire.

And you are all caught up.

Plans for fin de semana? The race is mañana...and Max is all excited about that!! Looks like Bex will be doing some surfing on domingo...hola hola to playa Mojon!!

To all of our Canadian readers...have a great Thanksgiving...yummy pavo, turkey!!

One last foto.

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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