jueves, el 10 de octubre de 2013

Post swim...the prowl back to the condo.

What's next? First off, we received enough lluvia for Noah and his Ark, now we have a heat wave (it is 31,0 grados at 8pm) and at 6am this morning...a small temblor, tremor. Not hating...just stating!!

And we are onto Secret Plan Alpha Beta...our latest go at Max's sleep. Update? Last night he slept in his cuna all night, woke up 2 or 3 times but fell back asleep without needing Gilligans!! And we had a 535am sleep in...score!!

Currently 8pm, Max has been asleep for 15 minutos (he was pooped after a fun day) and while Bex is hard at work in the oficina, Poppa is borrowing a little chill room tome from the lil'man. Score!!

Over all, a great day with not much new to report. Usual rutinas for early morning, the morning and then post siesta. Bex y Max hit up the playa on a very warm día, and Bubba was drinking 3 litros of agua while at the gym.

We are onto our summer weather, and that means the sunny skies can stick around until the sun sets, vs clouding over at 3 or 4pm. And with that, post gym, I spent some time sitting in el sol and then in the alberca...as it was too hot to sit in the sun!! lol

We all met back for leche y clean up and then it was onto pizza jueves, tina time, FT con Oma y Opa and then off to bed.

And that was our jueves.

Onto the fotos.

Serious Max on his rampa.

And then I tried to get him to smile by asking him to show me Silly Max.

And this is what we ended up with.

Mas llantas.

Max has decided that he really likes this pit stop area.

Another attempt at seeing Silly Max.

A funky arbol, tree.

Slim pickings on the fotos...lo siento. The camera does not take very good pictures in low light and with Max moving as much as he does. New camera in enero!!

Mañana? Maybe off to the Legion to celebrate mi hermano's cumpleanos?

Have a great viernes...Friday already?

Hasta mañana.

Marco, Bexico y Max

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