miercoles, el 9 de octubre de 2013

Ah yes, life is great.

Buenos noches mis amigos. All good here in Huatulco.

Another early morning and even though we wish Max would sleep in later, we are getting used to the early morning rutinas.

Nothing extra ordinary in our morning...tranquilo time, the prowl, desayunos, more tranquilo time and then it was time for leche y siesta.

Post siesta we had some familia swim time and then it was comida time. After that, Poppa was off to the gym and then home for the rest of his usual afternoon rutina.

Max y madre ate their lunch and then took the bici out for a ride/prowl. They headed to playa Chahue and for almost 2 hours, spent their time walking, riding, prowling and exploring.

And 2 days in a row, it showed during bed time as Max was asleep fairly fast...score!!

We all met back at the casa and went straight into la cena...quesadillas de pollo!! And of course they were with home made pico de gallo, with limes Max y Poppa picked off the arbol this morning!!

Post cena, off to the tina, hola hola to Oma y Opa, and then it was off to bed. 

Onto the fotos!!

Check out that expression!!

Hey Max, what up with the slicked back hair "look"?

Max is all about loving the Cheerios during our prowls. Eating one at a time...not his style.

Another Cheerio pit stop.

Let's see...have a concrete wall, cut some squares in it so you can insert an air con, remove the air con units and then fill in the holes. Yikes.

Post siesta...off to the alberca.

No agua in the showers...Max is perplexed. (a word I have NEVER used in 48 years)

A little TSDR on using a kick board.

Adios kick board, hola hola to "big cheeks".

Misc fotos from the gym walk.

Guess which hombre is the jefe, boss.

Spanish lesson of the día.

Large screens (TV?) for a fight (boxing) with Canelo.

That's all folks. Have a great jueves y hasta mañana!!

Marco, Bexico y Max

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