viernes, el 23 de agosto de 2013

Buenos noches!!

Short and sweet as who of you really wants to read about another wacky día in Huatulco?

Up at 5am and Poppa took over at 7'ish.

We were all geared up and ready for our prowl, and all that needed to happen was for some toys to be put back in their plastic bin.

You all know how much Max (y Bubba) love their prowl, but today it did not happen. No matter how I asked or what I said, Max was not going to help put his toys away. He even gave me a cheeky grin and dumped more out.

Fine with me I said and I took off his prowl clothes, and my "go for walk" shorts and prepped desayunos.

You know it is wacky when breakfast is finished at 830am. But still, no desire to put away toys. Max was contento in playing with the toys and every time he said "go for walk" I told him we would go once the toys were put away.

That did not happen, so Max continued to play and I has lots of time to do things like shave for the first time in a month or so. Max liked that as all day long he kept saying "smooth" and wanting to touch my face.

Here is the lil'burro (stubborn) and the reason why no AM prowl happened today. Note Max has his swim gear on.

As 10am rolled around, familia pool time occurred and then it was upstairs for not one, not two, but almost three bottles of leche. Wowzers.

Max was pretty much lights out, and then awoke in a fit and it took some time to get him back to sleep.
But when I did, we were both lights out until 2pm.

Kinda late and I had forgotten to plan for la cena, so I postponed el gimnasio and stocked up at Poopie Loopie...hola to some pollo for the quesadillas as well as some goooood looking steaks for proxima semana, next week.

Bex y Max had their comida and then went out on the bici for an afternoon of exploring and saying "NO". Oh Max.

I caught up on some phone calls and the such, prepped la cena and then hid the leche.

After the familia came home, hola to leche time and then the boys went out for a pre-cena prowl. The prowl was good, but the best part of it and my day?

In the kiosko, there were 2 joven, maybe 17 years old, and they had their boom box out and were practicing their break dancing.

Max starts jumping up and down to the musica and the boys let him go. After a few minutes, they start up their moves, including some standing on their heads and putting their hands on the ground. Who is watching this and then starts trying the same moves? Oh yes, the little boogier himself, Maestro Fresh Max. Hilarious.

The guys were nice enough to let Max go for a few more minutos and then I had to convince him to leave so we could get home for dinner.

Good eats, good tina time and FT co Oma y Opa...and then "the bedtime".

Oh, it wasn't pretty and it wasn't quick.

My analogy of tonight's bedtime is similar to how they rate tornadoes. The Whisperer entered "the zone" and Max was like a 3 or 4. I tried to rock him and he wanted none of it and became a 5. I put him down next to me and he slowed down to a 2. 

After 20 minutes, I manage to get him some rocking and he becomes a 1...phew. I see he is sleepy and we have had 2 out of the 3 yawns I normally get before he falls asleep, so it is off to the cuna.

There he goes from a .5 to a 1 to a 2 and then I hear "Poppa" and as Max reaches a 3, he wants out.

A little more rocking and we are back to a .5 but I know he did not like the cuna, so I lay him down on the bed and we do a little singing and he is almost a 0. 

I want to put him in the cuna awake, so I scoop him up and gently plop him into the cuna. Hola to .5, 1, 2 and 3...all in 5 seconds. Argh.

I pick him up and all  hear is "rock". I take too long to start the rocking and singing Gilligans and we are at a 5, which quickly becomes a 1 as Max sings Gilligan with me.

Onto the bed as a .5 and I let him fall asleep and this time, he stays asleep when I plop him into the cuna. Wow....that only took 25 minutes with Bex and and hour 20 with Bubba. Next plan?

Ok...enough about our spirited niño.

Off to watch a few more minutes of the NFL pre-season game and then off to bed.

The PVR'd News will have to wait until mañana.

Buen fin de semana.

Marco, Bex y poco loco Max.

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